- Class Date: Tuesday may 14
- Final Test- May 21
- Project 3 – Presentations
- Further develop presentation, communication and critique skills
- Photoshop GIF
- tween FYI
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Client Brief: Cherry Blossom Season in Japan

Japan National Tourism Organization is looking for a lettering artist who can craft a poster to announce the arrival of cherry blossoms in the country, capturing the essence of this beautiful natural phenomenon.
Target Audience:
Nature lovers, travel enthusiasts, and those intrigued by the allure of cherry blossoms. age 25-65 male and female, not for kids or teenagers.
✏️ Format:
2 differnt Posters 10″ Wide X 16″ high. Poster must have logo and bleed. No white border. When one is approved, we will create a after effects animaton for instagram (1080px x 1080px).
Creative Direction:
Headline: “Live life in full bloom”
Body copy: Cherry blossom season in Japan occurs annually throughout the spring season. While the peak viewing times vary from region to region, most cherry blossom festivals begin around the end of March and can last well into the month of May.
Call to action: Come Visit Us! www.japan.travel.com
Incorporate delicate and elegant design that conveys the beauty of cherry blossoms. Experiment with soft pastel colors to evoke the gentle and fleeting nature of this seasonal event. Use the Japan National Tourism Organization logo here: https://business.jnto.go.jp/brand_guidelines/
The 2 posters are due thursday, will send a dropbox link for them.
Make a folder with First name. Label file first name_last name_ Blossom.Pdf
and we will review PDFS on screen thursday.
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