Last week I went to an event at The Center of Fiction. At the event was Vita Ayala, Robin Ha, and Khary Randolph. Thanks to Professor Woolley I was able to attend the event for free. At the event the focus was on how make a space for minorities in comics. Each speaker talked about how they used their platform within a racist system in order to show and Express their culture. This event was really helpful in gaining an understanding if the comic book industry and learning about the challenges faced in the field.
Khary Randolph is a SVA graduate and a veteran in the comic and animation industry. He has done work for many companies including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, SONY and Coca Cola and have worked on titles such as Spider-Man, Voltron and Boondocks. I’ve previously met him in a Grace Gallery event last semester that featured his work. He has become an inspiration for me since I’ve met him last semester so it was very informative to here his take about the industry.
As a queer minority, Vita Ayala is using her platform to give a perspective to the lives of people who fall under the same minority as them.