A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

Author: T'ahna Howard (Page 1 of 2)

Journal Entry #10

Around this time the news of the coronavirus started hitting the states hard. The news went out that the college was closing for the rest of the semester. At first I was a little relieved because that meant I had more time to work on my Senior Project. But then I remembered that I worked at a school and with the way things were going that meant my job and internship was in jeopardy.

Journal Entry #9

I never got a chance to speak about my job’s workplace culture so here we go. Also I was able to help Yari and Rachel out by getting them able to do work at my internship as well so no it’s become sort of a collaborative effort between the three of us.

Presentation Ideas

I think things that could be the focus of my presentation would be about the struggles of finding and internship and thinking outside of the box.

Specifically, the challenges of trying to find an internship that is illustration based and ways to overcome or power through situations when things start to look bleak.

Journal Entry #8

For this project I was asked to create a flyer to help promote a new club joining the after school program. The name of the new club is called Glow and seems to be a kind of a girls empowerment club. When I think of girl empowerment I immediately think of female superheroes.

Journal Entry #7

Besides working with the principal and the school, I’m also doing work for my actual job with Manhattan Youth. I was asked to design a flyer to help spread awareness about registration for the spring semester. The only thing my supervisor told me to incorporate was the weekly class schedule and to incorporate some sort of children image.

Journal Entry #6

These are some of the final designs I came up with for the GSA flyer. Like I said in my previous post I was really inspired my the shape of the triangle. So most of my final designs incorporated that idea of the triangle.

Journal Entry #5

After making contact with my site’s principal she gave me my first project to start working on. This is the school’s flyer for their 6th grade GSA club. The GSA stands for Gender Sexuality Alliance. For the most part I was given creative liberty over theĀ  design of the new poster.

These are some of the thumbnails I came up with for the school’s GSA posters. I was mostly playing around with different ways to incorporate a rainbow into the design. I like the triangle from the safe zone logo on the original flyer so I tried to incorporate that in a lot of my thumbnails. The original also seemed very cluttered to me so my main goal was to simplify the information.

Journal Entry #4 Found My Internship

After getting in contact with the principal of the school I work at she was thrilled to have me work on posters and flyers for the school. Since I’m already a known face in the building once I explained my situationĀ  my offer was gladly accepted. My workplace is very casual and our “work station” is just a room we have to ourselves where we keep all of our stuff. Since these assignments that I’m given for the internship are things that I can work on in my own time I work on them from home.



Journal Entry #3

I work for an after school program called Manhattan Youth and my specific branch is located inside of Robert F. Wagner Middle School. The agency was founded in 1986 in Lower Manhattan and has been open for around 32 years. Manhattan Youth Recreation and Resources, Inc. provides the highest quality childcare and After-School programs plus academic, recreational and cultural activities for children, families and individuals who live or work in Manhattan, regardless of income.



Journal Entry #2

After talking with Professor Goetz I was struck with the idea to try asking my job for internship work. I work for an afterschool program at a school and realized that I could ask toĀ  make poster designs for my school.

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