Tactics on the project would include the handing out of genetically modified tomatoes as discussed in Jordan’s and Naveeda’s outline.
As written in that draft, two groups will be divided out between handing out the GM tomatoes and labeling GMO products with the proper labeling of the those being genetically modified.
I think carrying out this task would require a bit of funding. Buying of many tomatoes and to also making the stickers would not be cheap.
Collaborating with local anti-GMO groups may be a good idea.
This article is about a woman named Vandana Shiva who went around Europe letting people know about the concerns related to genetic engineering. She has power in her voice because of her credentials and knowledge.
We are not attempting a big feat such as hers. But it is important that regardless of that we are all well-versed in conversing with passer-byers who will have many questions about our campaign and the legitimacy of it.
It is important that we come equipped with up-to-date knowledge on the state of GMO in the United States so as not to seem as though we are only rambling with no sense on what to do about it.
We should have pamphlets available for people wanting more information on the spot because they may not want to go back home and take the time to check us out on Facebook or Twitter. These may be regular folks with English as a second language who have no idea of the danger to consuming everyday GMO products from the supermarket.
We should have the answers to questions on practical approaches to GMO consumption for the average mom who shops from a supermarket. We should all be equipped to answer these kinds of questions on the spot.
I also really like the idea of changing the rating on restaurants that prepare their foods with genetically modified organisms, for ‘A’ to represent restaurants which do not. We must first validate information such as these on the restaurants that we decide to look at to make sure that the information we are printing on is current and not misleading. A practical usage of this idea would be to put the ratings up on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
The GMO ingredients used in chain pizza stores around the country is also useful and should be put up on our social media websites.
Many of the solutions that we are coming up with will serve to discourage a customer on the consumption of GMOs. But as we learned from Duncombe’s book, it is necessary that we still provide the audience with something to look forward to. Something to take their minds away from the ugliness that are confronting them with. In our case, it just has to be simple solutions for them to feel relieved about. We don’t want them to leave the supermarket that we are occupying and our websites hopeless. Our simple solutions will consist of local shops and restaurants that label/sell organic foods and how to access community gardens so that they can grow their own foods.