Warning Labels on Advertisements

a cover of Glamour magazine

Today in my Graphic Arts class, we were told that legislation is trying to propose a mandate, in which all advertisements, whose images have been altered with Photoshop, bear a warning label alerting the public to the practice. The idea stems from scientific research that found that vulnerable consumers, particularly children and teens, might be fooled by the photos. That the photos might convince them that the models are really as perfect as the covers try to show, resulting in negative physical and mental health consequences.

Personally, I think if a person doesn’t have self confidence, they’ll continue to not have it, regardless of how a model or actress looks in pictures. If they are feeling this way, they should receive professional help, not take it out advertisements.

Sure beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but do you believe that people would want to buy a magazine cover if the person on the front is unattractive? And I was always under the assumption that everyone knows, regardless of a label, that editing is always done on advertisements.

No one in the world is perfect, touch ups in this type of business is a necessity, as the main goal is always to SELL, SELL, SELL.

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