Image by: HD Pics
Tomorrow marks the official day dedicated to America’s favorite beverage, coffee. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Light roast, medium roast, dark roast, blond roast whether robust or light-bodied; all are being celebrated on this day. Coffee is such a patriarch of our daily routine that it deserves to be celebrated especially if it will lower the costs of our daily cup of joe.
Coffee has made such great strides in the past decade by being used in many new innovations. Coffee flour is a great new ingredient that is yet to go mainstream in the culinary world; it is a sustainable way of using the entire coffee berry. When coffee is made only the bean is used and the outer berry is usually discarded but with the coffee flour, the rest of the berry is used. As I aspire to be a pastry chef, it is amazing to see the progress that coffee has made as it impacts the culinary world, which cannot only be used for professional chefs but for home bakers as well who can benefit from using this innovative ingredient in their baked goods.
I remember the first time I drank coffee, it was in the middle of winter so it gave me this sense of warmth and it tasted amazing, the slight taste of bitterness with a natural sweet flavor. It was incredibly rich, I was never the huge coffee drinker that needed a cup of coffee everyday nor did I rely on its caffeine to get me through the day. But I will say that coffee is unlike any other beverage I ever had, I was never allowed to drink coffee until my mid-teenage years as my mother did not allow the consumption of caffeine in any sort especially coffee.
This day allows for many freebies and discounts from many iconic coffee-selling shops located in New York. So do not hesitate to take advantage of these one day only opportunities to get your coffee fix on national coffee day. Below are just a few of the offers:

Image by: 5minutesformom
Seattle’s Best Coffee is offering a two dollars off coupon for any of their smooth coffee varieties at participating locations after you like them on Facebook then you can click the coupon tab to download.

Image by: Ermelo Villareal Jr.
Krispy Kreme is celebrating by giving customers a free small coffee and glazed donut as well as selling 12 oz. mocha, latte or iced coffee — including a Pumpkin Spice Latte — all for $1 at participating locations.

Image by: Eric Bonkhz
Every Dunkin’ Donuts location across the country is offering a free medium hot or iced Dark Roast coffee to each of their guests, with a limit of one free coffee per customer all day long even their new pumpkin macchiatos, which were released on September 28th. Guests will also be able to get discounted coffee products both online and in stores Dunkin’ Donuts’ 16-ounce packaged coffees which are only selling for $5.99 (limit of two per guest). In stores, guests can purchase the Dunkin’ Donuts K-Cup packs for an especially low price of $7.99 for a 14-count box (limit of two per guest).
Keep the conversation going, comment below, where do you like to buy your coffee? What is the best coffee you ever had and why? What is your usual coffee order? (Be sure to include brand, roast, etc., if you like). Or simply share your first experience of drinking coffee.
I hope I catch a dunkin donut today
I hope you did get a chance to get a coffee there
Too bad Starbucks didn’t give out any freebies! I didn’t like coffee when I was younger, but now I drink at least one cup a day mostly Mon – Fri and I actually love coffee. Cold-brew FTW!
cold-brew sounds great!! Starbucks didn’t have freebies, they did have a discounted price on some coffee though and free samples.
Yeah I don’t think I got discounted price, but it’s all good. I still enjoyed my iced coffee 🙂