Essay #4

ENG 1101

Prof. Rosen

Fall 2011


Essay #4, Midterm Exam

Part I: Summary


Summarize Yonette Joseph’s article “The Tunnel Rats of Atlantic Avenue,” published in the New York Times on February 15, 2009. Your summary must state the thesis of the essay in your own words. It should also indicate three or four supporting ideas the author offers to develop her thesis. You must include a quotation to convey the flavor of the author’s style and thought, but be sure that most of your summary is expressed in your own words. Your summary must consist of one well-developed paragraph.

Part II:  Midterm Exam Essay

Draw on “The Tunnel Rats of Atlantic Avenue” by Yonette Joseph to write a well-developed essay of approximately five paragraphs about ways of learning about history. Draw on your experiences as well as observations you’ve made of other people. Whether you write about physically exploring a historic location as Joseph does in her discussion of Bob Diamond and his tunnel tours, or other ways, such as reading, watching documentaries or old movies, looking at old photographs or maps, listening to family history, or other strategies, be sure to be as specific as Joseph is about Diamond’s methods. Discuss the degree to which your ideas do or don’t agree with those expressed in article. Your reference to the article should be specific and clear, and should include quotations. You may address these points in any order, but be careful to respond to all parts of the assignment and to connect your thoughts into a single, clearly-organized essay of approximately five paragraphs.


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