Essay 6 Blog Post Revison 2

City Limits Blog

The reading from “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead basically goes into depth about his view on New York City. Colsen’s main point in city limits was to state how each and individual New Yorker creates and shapes their very own skyline and neighborhood in New York. He talks about New York and how he remembers it. He would recall certain areas in New York when he passed by there or lived at that certain neighborhood. The passage is written sometimes in a sarcastic tone and includes a lot of metaphors. He writes your “New York is only the New York as you remember it.” So he goes on a rant saying how  you can’t really talk about Bryant Park used to be a reservoir because you never witnessed it, or for him the Met Life building will always be the Pam Am building because that’s how he remembers it. He includes how New York is build up of many different skylines of our old neighborhoods and our new neighborhood. He basically explains the importance on reminiscing on our old New York. You can see from his writing, he views New York as a fast changing being. Writing how New York is always changing and will keep on changing with our without us. His writing truly speaks to me in how I viewed New York when I was younger to how I view New York now. What this reading truly made me question is how of other parts of New York has changed before I have even existed, and if I would find all of this information out would it even matter? Its clear Colson Whitehead has his unique way of viewing New York, than many others do, but he does make you think about New York and our own encounters in New York’s History.

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