Essay#6 Blog post revision2

 To every student city tech is just another college. To me it is just where I am for now. All I knew about it was that it was located an hour and five minutes away from home. In a place called Brooklyn, jay St.Starting the tour behind city tech I was able to see the back of my school. To me Brooklyn was just from city tech ,to the train stop. Brooklyn soon becomes something more,and my school became a book of history.The story we heard at the beginning about the theater in Johnson St now part of city tech, in a way amazed me. To know that our school was once a theater were over 300 people were killed should scare us a little, but because of this incident the way building were made changed drastically, due to the fact that having a safe building does safe peoples lives. I think that  through out the trip everyone learned something that they will always remember. It even allows us to show off to people of what we know about Brooklyn. From the famous boot scraper to Brooklyn once being its own city, everyone on this trip learned to see Brooklyn from a different perspective. Around the middle of the trip we were able to kind of have a taste of both worlds. Only a few block from each other we transitioned from City Tech to Brooklyn Heights. Due to the fact that Brooklyn Heights had landmarks, I believe it made the experience so much better. As the years go by things always change, but it was really nice to see a part of history with our own eyes. What if all buildings were allowed to be ruined? We would only have photographs to allow us to see how peopled lived back in the days. The whole experience just took me back in time.

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