When one is on the train we can easily identify the tourist. The one holding the map. We now live in a society where we can find things very easily.Maps no longer seem to have so much importance in our society. Seeing some old maps today made me realize how easy we have it with so much technology around us. We can just type an adress on google maps and instantly have a picture of it and a virtual look at where the place is located. There’s no need for an index or color coordination, we just type the adress and everything is given. Today’s maps are more specific and they don’t only come in paper but also in a computer, phone or even a gps. In a way I was amazed on how hard someone worked to create a map. From the color to the drawing, every detail of the place was located on the map.It did not only include a place but some even included how deep and ocean was.One can tell by the map how long it really took for the map to be made. Now a days it has become easier to identify a location because every street has a name and every borough is identified with a name, such as Queens,Bronx,Brooklyn, or Manhattan.It probably took a long period of time for someone to create a correct map. Getting around was harder back in the days than what is now.For a map to be made,one probably had to travel around and take notes on what they saw.Through out time it has been easier to make a map.It can be made in the computer instead of hand drawn,and photographs can be used to locate a place. Every map has it’s won history and story to tell.
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