Week 7 Assignments

Week 7 Assignments

  • Professor Rodgers
  • DUE Tuesday, March 17
  • GA7: Based on your Writing Inventory, please make a post to two of the following topics on the course Bb discussion board, and respond to at least two posts on one of the following topics:  SWE COMMA USAGE, COMPLETE SENTENCES IN SWE (SIMPLE; COMPOUND; COMPLEX), SWE SEMICOLON USAGE, SWE RELATIVE PRONOUN USAGE, PARALLEL CONSTRUCTIONS IN SWE, SWE VERB USAGE


RJ7: Please read the Introduction to the Research Project Assignment.  Then, re-read pp.303-314 of the essay “Researching and Writing About Technology” in your textbook.  For your journal assignment, take notes on the reading, paying particular attention to the “Researchable Question” section (pp. 312-314).  Based on these readings, please complete the Research Topic Worksheet and the Research Question Worksheet that were handed out in class on Thursday.

  • Reading and Writing Assignment 7: Creating a Writing Inventory and a Personal College Writing Workbook
  • Professor Rodgers

Purpose:  to identify the writing issues that you plan to work on for the rest of the semester

Part I

1.  Take a look at all of the starred sentences in your draft essay.  What do you notice about these sentences? Why do you think Prof. Rodgers thinks they are impressive? Do you think they are impressive? Are there other sentences in the essay that you think are particularly impressive or effective?  If yes, list them and explain why you think they are impressive.

2.  List, interpret, and categorize each circled word/issue and marginal comment in the essay.  What’s going on with each word/sentence marked?  What happened? Did you make a typo? Need to revise?  Can you name the error?

3.  Make a list of all of the categories circled on the essay grading rubric

4,  Re-read Professor Rodgers’ ebook College Writing:  Some FAQs and her Understanding and Repairing SWE Errors in College Writing.

5.  Make a list of what you are beginning to see as recurring issues that you can work on in your writing.  Some of these may be SWE errors and therefore would be categorized as being related to Clarity.  Other issues may be related to Argumentation.  Some may be related to Structure.  Some may be related to Revision.  Please list at least one and no more than three issues that you plan to work on in the following three categories:  Argument/Structure/Clarity.

Part II:  Meet with a SPECIAL ENG1101 tutor.  When you go to meet with one of the tutors, who are available from 10:00am-7:30pm Monday through Thursday, and from 10:00am-4:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays, you MUST BRING ONE OF YOUR RWAs OR ESSAYS and a copy of the original ASSIGNMENT to your tutoring session.  I would like you to discuss SENTENCE EDITING STRATEGIES with the tutor.  If you’d like, you can also discuss questions that you have about Professor Rodgers’ handouts with the tutor.


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