Category Archives: ENG1101 Project#4

Project #4: The Pitch (final product)

In a modern city like New York some times walking is no longer seems to be a viable way of travel. We’re almost always on the go. There’s always somewhere to go or something to do and we have to get there as fast as possible, but sometimes there’s another option. Every now and then we get an extra fifteen to twenty minutes in our schedule we don’t know what to do with; or on route to our destination we find that we will get there ahead of time. When moments like these happen you have a few choices: you can show up to your destination way ahead of time and just sit there and wait or your can get off the train or the bus and take a walk there instead.

Should you find yourself in need of a walk there are probably a few factors to consider. The route should be the right length  destination in a timely manner, but allowing you to enjoy yourself and let the surroundings sink in. There should be something to draw your eye and catch your attention; something you might not see somewhere else. Finally there should be something to do along said route. Maybe some restaurants or stores you would want to go to; by yourself or with a friend or a few friends and do some shopping. These are just a few things that the route I suggest has to offer.

The route proposed is from the Nevins st. train station (accessible from the 2,3 and 4 trains) to the New York City College of Technology. The route is about a fifteen minute walk. It takes you up the Flatbush Avenue Extension down Tillary street a bit and finally on to Jay street right in front of the college. A very simple route requiring just walking straight and taking two turns once on to Tillary and again on to Jay street. A simple and easy route to follow if you get lost easily or don’t like making too many twists and turns as you walk. A nice simple walk for a student who has some extra time before class or anyone else planning on their way to NYCCT. The route itself is very simple but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any sights to take in or other convenient services.

We begin our walk from the Nevins street train station. From there we walk down Flatbush Avenue. On your walk through downtown Brooklyn there are definitely plenty of interesting sights. If perhaps you are interested in architecture there are some beautifully designed buildings that you could see. They aren’t as tall as the skyscrapers you might see in Manhattan but they are very well designed and overall pleasant to look at. You will pass a nice little plaza or park as you pass by the Long Island University. It’s a good place to go if you want to find a quiet place in an urban landscape. As you continue down your walk down Flatbush Avenue it’s also possible you’ll to see the Manhattan Bridge on a clear day. As you walk down Tillary street you will see a nice park called McLaughlin park on the right side of the street. This could inspire a little detour if you’d like or if you still find yourself with a little extra time.

Along the route there are many restaurants and interesting stores you might want to check out most of which are on Flatbush Avenue. Some well known places to eat like Applebee’s and Dunkin Donuts as well as some not so familiar ones like 2 bros. pizza if you want to try some place new for lunch. Near the beginning of your walking down Flatbush Avenue you may noticed on the right side of the street there will be a little known store that sells video games and many other interesting things called Urban Wave. Not only that but there are plenty of other ideal shopping spots. This part of the walk is ideal for people who are looking to do some shopping on the way to their destination.

Though not everyone sees detours as a good thing this route they do offer new experiences and things to see or do. Another great feature of this route is that it offers many possible detours and alternate routes to your destination.You could take a nice long walk up Flatbush Avenue and walk to or across the Brooklyn Bridge. If you’re a tourist or you’re just looking to take in the some sites you could take this detour and get a fantastic view of the water as well as the rest of the city. You could also take a left on Willoughby street and go to Jay St-Metro Tech center. From here you could find so great places to eat such as Five Guys, Chipotle and many other restaurants. This detour is recommended if your looking for some place to eat and hang out with your friends or if you feel at home in well populated, urban areas.

The route suggested has many different of things to offer a lot of different people. It’s very simple so if your bad with directions or a tourist and don’t know your way around the area you don’t have to worry too much about getting lost. This route is also not too long so if your a busy person who doesn’t have a whole lot of time and you find yourself with an extra fifteen minutes it’s definitely a short walk worth your time. There’s plenty of places to go shopping and there’s also restaurants to eat at afterwards. There are a few sights to see from well designed and stylish buildings to the Manhattan Bridge and there plenty of sites in between. This route  also features detours that are worth checking out if you still find yourself with extra time or you find yourself taking the same route and are looking for a new way to experience it. In closing if your looking to take a little enjoyable walk that has something to offer anyone I highly recommend this one

The Pitch (Draft)

In these modern times walking is no longer an undervalued way to travel. Why ride in a crowded subway or bus when walking allows you to not only see new things, but “experience” an area or neighborhood. Should you find yourself in need of a walk there are probably a few factors to consider. The route should be the right length  destination in a timely manner ,but allowing you to enjoy yourself and let the surroundings sink in. There should be something to draw your eye and catch your attention; something you might not see somewhere else. Finally there should be something to do. Maybe a restaurant or store you would want to go to; by yourself or with a friend or a few friends. These are just a few things my route has to offer.

The route proposed is from the Nevins st. train station (accessible from the 2,3 and 4 trains) to the New York City College of Technology. The route is about a fifteen minute walk. It takes you (the walker) up the Flatbush Avenue Extension down Tillary street a bit and finally on Jay street right in front of the college. A very simple route requiring just walking straight and taking two turns once on to Tillary and again on to Jay street. The route itself is very simple but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any sights to take in.

As you walk through downtown Brooklyn there are definitely some interesting sights. There are some beautifully designed buildings to see. They aren’t like the skyscraper in Manhattan but they are still very pretty to look at. You will pass a nice little plaza or park as you pass by the Long Island University. As you continue down your walk down Flatbush Avenue you will also be able to see the Manhattan Bridge on a clear day. As you walk down Tillary street you will see a nice park called McLaughlin park on the right side of the street. This could inspire a little detour if you’d like or if you find yourself with a little extra time.

Along the route there are many restaurants and interesting stores you might want to check out most of which are on Flatbush Avenue. Some well known places to eat like Applebee’s and Dunkin Donuts and some not so familiar ones like 2 bros. pizza. As you begin walking down Flatbush Avenue; on the right side of the street there will a little known store that sells video games and many other interesting things. You could take a few detours on this route as well like you could continue walking up Flatbush Avenue and walk to or across the Brooklyn Bridge. You could also if you want another interesting detour you could take a left onto Willoughby street to Jay St-Metro Tech passing by the St. Boniface church and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center.

The route suggested has a lot of things to offer you. It’s very simple so if your bad with directions or are a tourist and don’t know your way around the area you don’t have to worry to much about getting lost. This route is also not too long so if your a busy person who doesn’t have a whole lot of time and you find yourself with an extra fifteen minutes it’s definitely a short walk worth your time. There’s also plenty of places to go shopping and restaurants to eat at afterwards. There are a few sights to see; some well designed buildings and even the Manhattan Bridge. This route is definitely worth a look into if you find yourself in downtown Brooklyn. You won’t be disappointed
