Community Service


November 27, 2016 – My team and I  volunteered to do a screening extraoral and intraoral screening at the Greater New York Dental Meeting.

Through the ADA foundation’s Give Kid A Smile program, launched nationally by the American Dental Association in 2003, more than 5.5 million underserved children have received free oral health service. On the 15 Anniversary of “Give Kid  A Smile”, my group and I volunteered at Chuck E. Cheese.



March 24, 2017, My group and I presented at a pre-k Catholic school for our public health project. Our target population was 3rd graders. I strongly believe that it is very important and necessary to educate children and their guardians about the importance of maintaining a good oral health.


Head Start Fluoride Varnish program- Educating the kids about good oral health and why it is important to brush their teeth. 5% Sodium fluoride Varnish was applied to help prevent caries.