So The Work Begins

And The Winner Is…..

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Guess who got the internship ! It’s actually a bit ironic, but I found out in Internship class. I am excited to get this experience started. Meet new people and actually gain insight into my future career. The company I will be interning for is called CITYarts. They are a non profit organization that “engages youth and professional artists in the creation of public art, including murals and mosaic. Through this creative process, CITYarts empowers, educates, and connects youth and children locally and around the world to become active participants in realizing their potential and transforming communities.

It’s located in Soho (it will be so hard to fight the temptation of not shopping). My co workers are pretty young, no one is over 25. Attire wise, it’s a very relaxed atmosphere. It’s also very colorful, and filled with children’s art work.


The First Day

My first day was a bit more than I expected. I met the office employees; Sara who is the directors’ assisstant (my direct supervisor), Amanda the project coordinator (my substitute supervisor) and Julia who is the grant coordinator. Everyone was very pleasant and helpful, until the director walked in (yikes!). Her name is Tsipi (pronounced sipee) Ben –Haim. Lets just say she’s a little lady with a lot of power and doesn’t take any non sense.

The first assignment that I had was, to create a design for an envelope. The envelope would be mailed out with CITYarts annual gala invitation. The initial design that Tsipi wanted, was drawn onto a post it. I completed the design in an hour. When Tsipi came in, I greeted her and showed her the design. She looked perplexed, and shook her head no. She drew something else, and I did that design and once again she wasn’t happy with it. So I sat down for about 10 minutes and sketched out a design. Luckily for me she liked it, and wanted me to work on it. There was a lot of back and forth, but I think she might be pleased.




Third Times A Charm….. Right?

It’s now day two of working on this envelope design. When I left yesterday I thought that this was over and done with. Tsipi is not pleased with any design. I have done this over maybe 7-10 times. She draws and I design it however, she still does not like it.



I feel like she’s testing me but I refuse to break. Honestly she reminds me of my mother, shes a little lady who makes a large presence and may be scary. I’ve had 23 years of experience with this therefore I know how to approach and handle the situation. I will keep working on this until, she is satisfied.


Yup thats’s exactly how I feel inside going back and forth with this design

And it’s officially over ! The first set of envelopes were shipped through. Tsipi is pleased, now on to the next design


That’s the design in the upper left corner