Readings, Videos and Lecture Slides

Lecture Slides and Recordings on Google Drive

Readings and Videos on Google Drive


Crash Course, Introduction to Theatre, PBS

The Proscenium Arch, SCC Digital Video Productions

Thrust stage, Theatre Development Fund

Black Box Theatre, Theatre Development Fund

Theatre Timeline

Timeline of Western Theater , Encyclopaedia Britannica

Weinstein, Stage and Audience, p. 22 (PDF)

Theater for a New Audience Opens New Quarters in Brooklyn, NY Times

St. Ann’s Warehouse Unveils a Permanent Home, NY Times

Balme, pp. 14-19 (PDF)

Lighting, Sound, Technology

How Architecture Helped Music Evolve, Ted Talks

Palmer, Light and Projection, pp. 48-55 (PDF)

Stage Lighting, Encyclopaedia Britannica

A Brief Outline of the History of Stage Lighting, Northern University

Huntington, Show Technology Comes of Age (PDF)

Huntington, Bridging Art and State-of-the-Art (PDF)

Architecture (General)

The Emotional Impact of Architecture, Ted Talks (stop at 10:35)

Ching, Design Drawing, pp. 135-137, 146-148, 162-163, 170-171 (PDF)

Ancient Greece and Rome

Theatre at Epidaurus, Discovery Channel

The Greek Theater: Evolution and Influence, University of Pennsylvania

Crash Course, Greek Theatre, PBS

Ancient Greek Theaters, Reed College (read #3 and #4)

Epidauros Theater (Tufts)

Ancient Greek Theaters (Tufts)

Roman Amphitheater, Betapicts (start at 5:45)

Roman Colloseum, PBS (first 20 minutes only)

Wiles, Politics (Greek Theater and Performance) (PDF)

Wiles, Space (Greek Theater and Performance) (PDF)

Medieval European Theatre

Brockett, “Medieval Scenic Design” (pp. 30-33) and “The Audience of Faith” (pp. 56-58)

Early Modern England

Crash Course, Shakespearean Tragedy (stop at 4:30), PBS

Playwright, actor & shareholder, Folger Shakespeare Library (read main page and all links)

Wofford, Introduction to Hamlet, pp. 6-14 (PDF)

Leacroft, Bulls Bears and Actors (PDF)

The Recreation of the Globe, PBS

Plot summary of Henry V, RSC

Historical References in Henry V, Utah Shakespeare

Playing in the Globe, PBS

Leacroft, Classical Rebirth and Perspective Scenery (PDF)

Henry V, RSC (mp4 video link in Google folder)

Shakespeare, The Life of King Henry V (Folger Library) (PDF)

Designing Shakespeare, Folger Library Podcast (webpage)

Japanese Noh

Crash Course, Noh Theatre, PBS

Behind the Scenes of the Noh Theater, JVT-en

Noh, UNESCO (read Stage Structure and Performance Techniques)

Noh Theatre, Introduction, Columbia University, Caliber Cast Ltd.

Noh Theatre, Ancient History Encyclopedia

Noh Theatre, PBS

Nô Costume, Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Art of Impermanence, Asia Society

Throne of Blood, A. Kurosawa (from 14:00)

Kurozuka (Black Mound) play (PDF)

Kurozuka (video)

Dojoji (play) (PDF)

Dojoji (video)

Wayang Shadow Puppetry

Wayang Reading Pack (Course Drive)


Italian Renaissance Scenic Design

Giaimo, How a 17th-Century Navel Engineer Revolutionized Set Design

Encylopedia of Diderot, Theater Machines

Video: Festspielhaus Auditorium and Orchestra pit

19th-Century Popular Theatre in the US

Barnum’s American Museum, Bowery Boys History

McNamara, Brooks. “Popular Entertainment.” The Cambridge History of American Theatre, edited by Don B. Wilmeth and Christopher Bigsby, vol. 2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, pp. 378–410. Locate in City Tech Library Database: Cambridge Histories Online. READ ONLY: Orientation, Minstrel Show, Vaudeville, and Burlesque. Locate in City Tech Library. Sign in with your Library ID (# on your student I.D. card. Use that number for both the username and password).  On left side of screen, click on “Find eBooks”. Click on “Browse by eBook Collection by Name” then click on first letter of title (“C” for Cambridge Histories Online). Click on source. Once inside this database, search for your article (“Popular Entertainment” and/or author’s name)

History of Minstrelsy in Sheet Music, Brown University

Christy’s Minstrels and Stephen Foster, USF

Minstrel Structure and Iconography, USF

Amos and Andy, YouTube clip

Williams, The American Minstrelsy

Cohen, “Blackface Minstrelsy” (PDF)

History of Broadway

Taylor, Inventing Times Square, pp. 120-129 (PDF)

The Resurrection of 42nd Street, PBS 

Spotlight on Broadway, Broadway History and Theatre Architecture

Harlem Renaissance

Thompson, Kathleen. “Harlem Renaissance.” Black Women in America, Second Edition. Ed. Darlene Clark HineNew York: Oxford UP, 2008. Oxford African American Studies Center. [Locate in City Tech Library Database: Oxford African American Studies Center. Go to “Find Articles”, click on “African American Studies” in Humanities section, then search for the database “Oxford African American Studies”. Once inside this database, search for your article. Make sure you read the one written by Thompson.] Read only section: Alongside the Great White Way

Against the Odds: Artists in the Harlem Renaissance, (stop at 19:15)

Harlem in the 1920s, PBS

Crash Course: Langston Hughes, PBS

Harlem: A cinema excursion in the great black metropolis of NYC, Pathe Cinema (Cotton Club with Duke Ellington and the “Walkabout” starts at 2:50)

135th Street Branch NYPL, LGBT Historic Sites Project

Harlem Renaissance Timeline, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (Adobe Flash)

Why the ‘Mule Bone’ Debate Goes On,” Gates Jr., NY Times

Rosalyn Flynn, Mulatto on Broadway

Harlem Experimental Theater

Girls! Girls! Girls!, Harlem Nightclub Dancing (origins of the Broadway “chorus line”) 

Federal Theatre Project and Non-Profit Theatre

Federal Theater Project, Library of Congress (a massive archive) 

The Show Must Go On: Theater in the Great Depression, Digital Public Library of America (Read Intro and Impact on African American theater)

Birth of The Federal Theatre Project, Library of Congress

Smith, The Play that Electrified Harlem, Library of Congress

The Birth of Off-Broadway,  PBS

Study Pack for History of Non-Profit in the U.S.

Not-for-profit Theatre in America, Theatre Communications Group

Naturalism and the Little Theatre Movement

Sierz, Naturalism in Digital Theatre+ (History and Theory)

Doll’s House in Digital Theatre +

The Birth of Off-Broadway, Crash Course, PBS

20th cent. avant garde: symbolism, expressionism, Bauhaus

Weinstein, Stage and Audience, pp. 24-27 (PDF)

Appia, Reform Stage  (PDF)

Reactions to Naturalism, Encyclopaedia Britannica

Influence of Appia and Craig, Encyclopaedia Britannica

Bertolt Brecht and Epic Theatre, British Library

Crash Course: Brecht, PBS

Lotte Lenya sings Pirate Jenny, YouTube

Bertolt Brecht, Aims and Practice, Digital Theatre +

Chemers, Epic Theatre: History and Theory, Digital Theatre +

Stunted Trees and Broken BridgesDigital Theatre +

Friedrich Kiesler’s Work in Theatre: The Inception of an Interdisciplinary Universe, Lesák

Bauhaus: German School of Design, Encyclopaedia Britannica

Kiesler: The Stage Explodes, pp. 3-12 (PDF)

Site Specific, Immersive Theatre

The Rubytown Oracle, SIGNA (2007) (view slideshow also)

Journey to the Twilight Zone, Baker’s Dozen

Site Specific Theatre, Theatre Development Fund

Performative Architecture

Liz Diller Plays with Architecture, Ted Talks

Tschumi_Interview (PDF)

Kolarevic, Towards the Performative, pp. 205-13 (PDF)

Matthews, Cedric Price and the Practices of Indeterminacy (PDF)

Weinstein, Flammand (PDF)