Post for 8/30

Going into this course I feel mundane. From what I’ve been told so far, I hope it really is different than the writing we’ve been doing all of highschool.

My time during virtual learning was awful. I believe I need a classroom environment in order to help me understand and learn easier. Especially with all the distractions that come with learning at home. My lack of motivation to do any form of work was detrimental to my grade. Most of the time I’d just have the class in the background and do my own thing instead. Of course it’s pretty much my fault for not caring that much, but regardless I’d rather be in a situation where my options are limited and I absolutely have to focus.

This is an image of my cat if that wasn’t obvious. His name is Miko and we got him in January of this year. He has already integrated himself into the family and has brought us nothing but fun and cute times. My whole family is team cat for the win!

Post For 8/30

One word to describe how I feel about this course = Interested

Being on online student was very difficult for me because I just couldn’t stay focused on my work. I was at my worst academically and couldn’t get anything done. Transitioning from online to in person was quite easy for me because I was in the classroom with no distractions like there was at home. I personally like doing in person more than online.

This picture means a lot to me. This is my dog Zazu, he is a 14 year old yorkie. He has been with me during my toughest situations and has always been with me since I was 4 years old. Zazu isn’t just a pet, he’s my best friend. He will forever be a baby to me. 

post for 8/30


Being an online student was difficult for me because I felt less motivated to do anything at home. In class I can try to enter a working mode, but at home my brain just shuts off and I just play videogames. The transition to in person learning was scary at first since I was comfortable hiding behind a screen, but it became much better as I got to actually make friends and have a better connection the teacher as well, which helped motivate me to do my work a BIT more. 😉

I chose the picture below because it holds a special place in my soul. This photo was taken by one of my friends while we were on top of a ride at Luna Park in Coney Island. The view was great, but I was very scared at the time cuz heights are a no-no for me even though I love rides. This picture reminds me of that great trip with my friends and so it makes me think of them and how I’ll never forget them even though we won’t see each other for a while.