Post for 8/30


I don’t like school, it involuntarily causes me stress and anxiety all the time and it’s made up too much of my life as it is. I want to close this chapter of my life for good so that I can finally start truly living.

I am a simple guy with simple needs. My goals are simple as well: do the work, get the degree, get the job, cash money, and this picture robbed straight from Google Images exemplifies that.

Raining money on a celebrating business man looking to the side Stock Photo | Adobe Stock

Post for 8/30

Optimistic. In the past, I mostly enjoyed English class since I was able to explore different books and read more. I’m unsure how I feel about the fact this course will be based on research papers. But I stay optimistic that it’ll help with my overall writing skills.

I hope that I’ll be somewhat interested in the topics that’ll be covered. I feel like if I’m not at least a little interested, it’ll be even more difficult to learn and do my best work.

The image below is of a landscape in New Zealand. I chose this picture because this is one of the first reasons I decided that I was going to travel in my life. Regardless of what might prevent me from doing that, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t let reality keep me from living my best life. Although it’s a general image of where I want to go, the idea and goal will always be there.

See the source image

Post for 8/30

I feel encouraged to be taking this course this semester. I believe that it will bring my writing to another level and elevate it.

While I was doing virtual learning, I was not picking up much of the content and it was a tough time. It was very easy to slack off because you’re at home and can lay down, use your phone, etc. Being in a physical classroom raises my motivation and can help me better understand things. My main concern when learning online was completing assignments on time and giving it my all. I am now taking 2 classes that are hybrid and 2 in person to better balance it out for me. I am looking forward to learning this year and completing work in school.

A photo that means a lot to me is this photo of Kingda Ka, the tallest rollercoaster in the world in New Jersey. I first rode it in 2021 and I was terrified of such a ride because of the height and speed. After a few minutes of contemplating with friends, I got on it and rode it 4 times in the same day; plenty more to this day and it taught me to never be scared of opportunities and to take them while they’re there. You never know what it can bring to you. It was also a very cool experience. Never be scared to do something you haven’t done and always have an open mind!