HW for 9/20

Dear Professor Stone,
   I hope your weekend went well, I’m in your ENG 1101 class that meets on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. I’d like to talk about the progress of my essay so far. My rough draft isn’t completely finished, I only have my introduction written so far. But, the good news is that I have an idea on how I want my education narrative to look, I just need to put my ideas on paper at this point. I appreciate you taking the time to read my email and evaluate my progress, enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you,
Gregory Marc

Homework 9/20

Good evening,

My name is Ruben Hernandez, and I belong to the English 1101 Tuesday/Thursday classes,
as of now in unit 1, I’ve been able to catch up with my work in OpenLab, since in the first week and second and a half of school I had joined the wrong class that meets on different days and had been submitting my work there rather than here, but since you accepted my request for this class a week ago I was able to submit it here and catch up with anything you post as for in-class writing and homework.
I don’t truly have a question for this unit or upcoming assignments as of now, but if I do, I will surely email you my class concerns…

thank you! have a great afternoon.