
Question One: Think of any speciific incidents that changed your views on education/learning.

I don’t know if it was an incident, but Covid 19 and the pandemic. These two completely interrupted my learning and high school experience. So much happened in such a short period and so fast. When the virus developed into an emergency-level threat, the government was forced to shut down New York to reduce the pace the virus was spreading at. This affected business heavily. The hospitals were flooded with patients with covid, which left people with non-covid problems such as back pain, sore throats, and pain in a particular area forced to stay in their homes with whatever pain they had because they could not be attended to by the hospital. Schools were heavily affected in such a big way, causing students and teachers to transition to something never used before, which was zoom. Students were so distracted with covid that doing online work/school was difficult, and learning was not the same.

Quesition number three. Topics that Ill like to talk about about or like to write about.

1.Coivid and the pandemic will be a good topic becuase its something that not only affected me but the whole world.

2.Learning a specific way in highschool is going to determine how college will be for you. What you lanr in high school is soemthing that will imoact you heavily  in college.

3.Why having confidence is a true factor of unlocking the best version of yourself.

9/8- Narrative


9/8 H/W


The ingredients of a conventional narrative are, the setting, characters, conflict,plot and the resolution. I think one place I might start with my own education narrative is first giving out facts and or what I’m learning or have already learned, also to educate others reading the narrative,well the questions that I would ask are: how to properly structure an educational or personal narrative, what are the key components that go into it and or what information can be used.

Topics and Ideas HW 9/13

One of the topics I would like discussing in my Unit 1 assignment is when I used to dedicate myself to basketball back in middle school. At that point of time, what will help me stay focused and be good in school was being on the team. Our coach was a sporty guy who understood the importance of school and education. Knowing that, in order to play or stay on the team was to do good in every class and he would check in with the teachers often. I feel like this is a good topic to write about because I feel it combines the aspects of both education and personal narratives, since in order to do an activity I loved, I had no choice but to pursue a good education lifestyle. 


A worldwide experience that everyone has been through is of course  COVID-19. Even though it’s a shared event with many people, each person has experienced something specific and unique to their own respect. I feel this is a very good topic to touch on in my assignment because I can talk about transitions in my life consisting of a change of interests, appearance, personality, education, etc. A lot has gone on during quarantine that I can talk about in fine details. Overall, it taught me more about myself and turned into a new person.


Another topic that expands on both of the previous topics I discussed is getting into my current interest in technology. To elaborate, exploring into the field of learning different programs, graphic design, as well development/coding. My love for basketball faded away during the quarantine since we had to be inside all day so I couldn’t go out and play. I’m appreciative of both that loss of interest and quarantine because it helped me find my love for tech. I feel this is a good idea to write about because everything connects and leads up to today, which I feel can get really personal and detailed.