

  1. What topic would you like to know more about? Ā Why are there so many Haitians trying to enter the border of the Dominican Republic?
  2. K- KNOW: Set your timer for five minutes.Ā  Write that whole time.Ā  It is important that you donā€™t pause here, so if you are stuck, write ā€œIā€™m stuck!ā€ But just keep typing.Ā  Write down everything you can about what you KNOW about this topic or questionAs Haiti is in a situation where armed groups are terrorizing all of Haiti. These armed groups have more arsenal and men at their disposal than the Haitian government. These armed men are killing many innocent men, women, and children for either not joining them or obeying them. The fear of losing their lives and families is one of the main reasons many Haitians are fleeing from their homeland to migrate to the other side of the island, the Dominican republic.
  3. W-WANT:Ā  Set your timer for another five minutes.Ā  Same thingā€“ youā€™ll write that whole time.Ā  This time, write what you WANT to know about the topic. I wish to know what global leaders can aid with to help develop Haiti into a more vital and stabilized country. Also, what do Haitian political leaders need to do to change things in Haiti? In addition, another question is how much money Haiti needs to restore all that has been stolen by corrupt politicians and bandits that have been terrorizing Haiti’s citizens and government.

    Here is where you do a little bit of research.Ā  Again, time yourselfā€“ spend 10-15 minutes on the Internet looking up your topic.

            1. L-LEARNED: Another five minutes. Again, write the whole time. Write what you LEARNED from your 10-15 minutes of internet research. 1. I have learned that Haiti is in a lot of debt. 2. Haiti does not have a functioning bureaucratic government.3 Haitians expect Dominicans to accept them into the country while Dominicans have many problems .4. Haitians don’t have clean water. 5. Many kids and adults don’t have access to clean drinkable water. 6. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

KWL + 10/13

KWL+ on Domestic Violence

Know: Physical abuse among a family counts as domestic violence. Domestic violence can impact the children of the household by increasing the chance of them committing violence in their future household as well as in school. Domestic violence can lower a childā€™s self esteem. Domestic violence is illegal.

Want: Iā€™d like to know if domestic violence goes beyond physical abuse. Does domestic violence go beyond the household? Is it illegal in most if not all countries? I’m stuck. What are the typical punishments for domestic violence? Is it more common for males to commit this crime? What age group typically commits this crime?

Learned: Domestic violence includes verbal, physical, emotional, psychological damage, etc. Economic domestic violence occurs when there is a restriction of economic resources to which one is entitled. Denying medical care counts as physical abuse. Domestic violence seems to only include intimate partners and children, rather than others like friends. Women appear to suffer from domestic violence. This crime can occur in any type of relationship (heterosexual, homosexual, etc). Some countries in Asia and Africa do not have laws against domestic violence (Haiti, Pakistan, etc). Typical punishment for domestic violence include Jail time (usually about a year), or fines (1k-5k).

Still want to know: Is there any form of compensation to victims of domestic violence? Is domestic violence more common to occur to children or adults? What are the other side effects to commiting domestic violence (sex offenders must tell their neighborhoods)?

Research Question Proposal


WRITE: Write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question. You may find your topic anywhere– from Unit One to the blog posts we wrote last week, to your peersā€™ blog posts! (Itā€™s really okay if two people write about the same topic– I promise you.)Ā 

What is important here– and I canā€™t stress this enough– is that you research something you want to know more about, not something you think you already know the answer to.Ā  You may be curious to know why there are so few African American ballerinas in major companies, or you may want to know how much ā€œhousing projectsā€ have changed in New York since James Baldwin wrote ā€œA Talk to Teachersā€ in 1963, or you may want to know what we really learn from playing computer games.Ā  Just be curious. REMEMBER YOU MUST GET YOUR TOPIC APPROVED BY ME!Ā 

Write it in question form (it canā€™t be a yes-or-no question, though) You must cover all of the questions in bold:

  • Why are you interested in this question? Ā (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter)Ā 
  • What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?)
  • What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find? (Will you throw it out? Will you write about it anyway? Will you challenge your own assumptions?)Ā 

Spend some time on this– because this will serve as the first draft of the introduction for your annotated bibliography!