Homework #2

To my future self, 

I hope at this point of time whenever you read this again, you are still on track and reminded of the goals I have set for ourself for the end of the semester. Of course, I hope that we are maintaining decent grades, it doesn’t have to be the best but as long as you know what we’re doing is important in order for us to progress. I want us to be able to accomplish anything we put our minds to whether it’s in or outside of school. I hope throughout the year we establish ourselves more in the world of fashion and technology. The technology should be easy considering what school we go to but you know, it’s important to find our own signature style and understand that we are always improving in the craft that we are passionate about. I know it’s not going to be entirely easy, there is no life without challenges. It may be easy to doubt yourself and your ability to reach your goals, as to be honest, it happens even now, but I know in this mind of ours but we cannot falter as long as we are able to maintain staying on track, if we stray from it. Sometimes school may not be easy, sometimes even life, but I know there will always be a way to overcome these things. I could probably put into better words to express my expectations and belief in ourself and working on my writing will help me do so. Learning how to properly and freely express yourself in words will definitely help you achieve your goals in life because if you want to venture into the world of art you must be able to express yourself. I hope you take it easy. Here are some songs that I’ve listened to while writing this that will definitely relate to what you may need to hear experiencing more in this new life of yours.



Hw 2

Yo whats up Tumi i hope stuff worked out at the end. Most of the things that you end up paying to much attention to ends up being really small things. You over complicate your life for no reason. although you realize all this you still do it. I get it though, its human nature but you have to adapt. Things only move up from now so dont stress it. trying your best is the only thing you can do and that isnt even a bad thing.