Reminder: RAB Peer Review today

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder: we will peer review Annotated Bibliographies today.

Please bring 2 printed copies of your Annotated Bibliography.

If you do not have the draft of your Annotated Bibliography today and/or are not prepared for the peer review, you’ll be marked absent, receive a zero for participation today, and will have points deducted from your final draft.

See you soon.

THURSDAY Meeting: Peer Review of RAB Rough Draft

Hi everyone,

Too few people showed up for the Peer Review today, so I cancelled class.

We will now be doing the peer review for the rough draft of your Reflective Annotated Bibliographies on Thursday.

If you do not attend class on Thursday and do not communicate to me a legitimate reason for your absence, I will deduct from the total amount of points you can receive on your Unit 2 Assignment.


      1. Please bring TWO (2) printed copies of your complete annotated bibliography to class on Tuesday. The RAB includes:
          • An Introduction
          • Three (3) Source Entries
          • A Conclusion

**Again, keep in mind: as you work on your remaining source entries, focus on proper quote integration. Read through Graff & Birkenstein, “The Art of Quoting” or look at the Quote Sandwich presentation to understand what it means to properly quote a source.**

Take care and see you then.