Hw 2

Yo whats up Tumi i hope stuff worked out at the end. Most of the things that you end up paying to much attention to ends up being really small things. You over complicate your life for no reason. although you realize all this you still do it. I get it though, its human nature but you have to adapt. Things only move up from now so dont stress it. trying your best is the only thing you can do and that isnt even a bad thing.

future me

Brandon….. Dear Brandon, dont procrastinate. You might think that itll all be ok and that youll end up stilling doing the same but its not. This is college now, nothing is the same anymore. stuff gets harder and faster at every step of the way. Remember to keep meditating and keep a good mental health.You have all the time in the world so take some weight off your shoulders from time to time , youll be fine .