HW for 9/15: Write paragraph with Concrete, Significant Detail

To be honest i was waiting for a question like this since i graduated high school. The day of gradation made me feel like my diploma was bull shit. I was really annoyed that they allowed people who barely came to school to walk on the same stage i did when i was the one who busted my ass the whole year. To make things work there were some who got advance regents diplomas when i was supposed to get one myself. As well as when covid hit it just proved that how unorganized the educational district is when they were so many things and ideas going out every month. They were lost.

As well as during covid they fired hundreds of teacher because they did not get the vaccines. Teachers who were working there for years and years who brought school from the bottom up. Gone and replaced just like that. Like it never happened. Half these teacher had family they needed to take care of and they didnt care. Also showed me how corrupted the education system was when they tried to force vaccines on little kids or vaccines on people that wanted to go out on trips.

HW 9/8

WRITE: (250 Words)Ā Ā So far in this unit, we have read (and heard) three examples from theĀ genreĀ of the ā€œeducation narrative.ā€Ā  Your first essay assignment in this class will be to write in this genre yourself.Ā  So in this discussion forum, Iā€™d like us to have a conversation about what the features of this genre are. Please discuss some of the following:

  • What, from what youā€™ve seen so far, are the ā€œingredientsā€ (also known as ā€œconventionsā€) of the education narrative genre?
  • What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative?
  • What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own?
  • If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing.


What i seen so far of a education narrative basically in my opinion i sort of see it as the author trying to inform the readers as well persuade the reader to have a similar thought process and/or to learn and agree with the pint he is trying to get across. I believe he does this by speaking in a certain tone and pacing himself though out the story in a certain way as well as they give examples maybe even similes to make it related to the readers to get in there heads. Sometimes they also say things to hook the readers into the point to get there attention or to make sure they get there attention if they have not already. I think a place to get started is trying to find a point you strongly agree or something you truly believe in then try to educate others on that point with out trying to write it in a argumentative form because then it would be a argumentative essay instead rather then a educational narrative. Try to make a great hook as well in the beginning as well ass the end to keep the readers intreeged.

I do have a few questions though. How do i come across as a educational narrative without offending to many people as well as coming out as respectful. As well as how pace myself to sound like im making the speach myself or directly reading to the readers for they could understand the point exactly how im trying to make it? 259 words not 408