KWL 10/13

Topic: Immigration

Know: All I know really is that Immigration is currently a huge problem in the US and that many immigrants are suffering from the laws that the US have placed currently.

Want: I want to know why America has these immigration laws in the first place, I want to know about the history of immigration in America. I want to more about the issues that Immigrants face and to see if anything could be done.

Learn: Some of the issues that immigrants faced are proverty, education, employement. The first type of immigrants that came to the US were the pilgrams back at the 1600s however the first major big wave of immigrants that the US faced was during the late 1880s to 1920s.

Still want to know questions-

Are Immigrants the main cause of how America is today?

Should Immigrants be treated the same as a normal US citizen?


Hw for 10/11

I think that James Baldwin was trying portray a message to his reader. What I believe that he was trying to say that students should think more outside the box, think more critically. That there is much more to the world, history then what you see in the eye which should give students a reason to explore more. To have better understanding of America’s history and to examine it, to answer questions that one has been thinking about. James Baldwin is trying to say that understanding America’s history is very important for students to understand, so in future the same mistakes won’t happen again and to learn from those mistakes from the past. I think what he means when he says the world is larger is that to point out there are other things going on in the world that could/is being caused that happened in the course of America’s history. I am kinda curious about examining how America got where it is today. Throughout high school I never really was taught much about history mainly because as I was learning US history, it was the same time when the pandemic became a thing. I am also interested on how technology has developed overtime and what was the cause of rapid development in technology. Technology now is way more advanced now then it was 100 years ago and I want to explore more into that and see what has truly happened during this time period.

Hw for 9/15

Everyone expects someone growing up with a Hispanic family living in America to be bilingual, to know the language. However it isn’t the case for me up until a couple of months ago.  Growing up I didn’t have the bests of childhood one would hope for. I actually knew some Spanish as a kid  however I wasn’t doing great at school. Growing up every around my age was way ahead me academically. I was falling behind in many subjects to the point where I was put in programs to help me catch up and don’t be left behind.

In elementary school I wasn’t the brightest student. In fact I wasn’t able to read or write properly at all.  Programs such as IEP, ESL, etc is what I grew up with for majority of the childhood . It was thought that putting me in these programs would help me. It did but at first it didn’t, mainly because I was never interested in any of this. As most kids all I ever wanted to do was to move around, have fun, not sit down and read/write all day. That unfortunately for younger me became my childhood. My family wants me to become someone great and didn’t want me to left behind so they made me read and write almost every single day until I was able to understand what was going a be at the same level as the other kids in my grade. The entirety of  my elementary school year was being pulled out my classes to be with different teachers to help me with English, reading and writing and as soon as I get home after doing my Hw was the same thing something I didn’t really enjoy, feeling and being isolated. As I was very slowly improving in English and ELA, I stopped focusing on my Spanish as this became my priority.