Know you publication Question

The site that I’m planning to publish my work is on Instagram as I feel that is best to reach out to the audience that should probably read about my research and topic.

  1. Instagram has a lot of stuff there, Instagram is a social media website where anyone can could post whatever they want on there for there friends or family to see. People also use it to post funny clips or informative information to spread awareness to one another.
  2. Depends on what the account is about really, like for example @nycfc.source which is an Instagram account that post anything that is related to New York City Football Club as its a fan account. Just by looking at their account and their bio they’re audience is for fans of NYCFC and soccer fans.
  3.  They’re post aren’t too long normally unless its about transfers but it’s usually straight to the point so users can understand what’s going on quickly.
  4. The tone are either laid back, informative or emotional as they give update on what’s going on during games and after games.
  5. They use casual and formal diction for the most part
  6. They gather they’re information/data from interviews, quotation, reporters, etc and give them credit at the end
  7. They’re presentation using have edited photos that either give valuable information there or at the caption
  8. Doing something like this would be a good way to reach out to my audience and Instagram would be good publication since mostly every teenager and young adult has it.

Part 2

I’m thinking of posting like 10 posts on Instagram data, good edited photos to attract my audience to see the post and read the caption which would have all the information briefed and understandable for everyone to understand the purpose of the post.

Unit 3 assignment

I want to teach my audience the affects of modern technology like smartphones and laptops has on us. I want to teach them the benefits of these devices, the non benefits and teach them why we shouldn’t be overusing these devices as most people in this generation do. I want the audience after seeing this, will learn something new and open their eyes on their unhealthy habits. The audience that I’m trying to reach are teenagers and young adults as they are the ones that use smartphones and laptops the most. The genre will be nonfiction, informative. What I have in mind to write in is a twitter feed as teenagers and young adults use social media a lot on their devices and twitter is a social media platform and that is the platform where I will publish this. I plan on making an account called Facts about Modern technology then post the positives and negatives of it in different posts. People who use social media don’t really stay on a post for that long so, I will do my best to make it understandable, short and interesting and catch their attention so people could learn some good information quick.

Hw for 10/18

How has excessive use of technology impact on how we think today?

The topic that I have choose to write about is Technology and how its affecting one’s mind. Technology throughout the past century has been rapidly advancing and developing new technologies each and every year. Since more and more technologies are being developed, the more they’re getting onto people hands.  Technology in today’s world has become a huge deal especially when its used everyday by someone. Computers, laptop, cellphones, these are devices that at least an average human living 2022 has used at least once in their life. Growing up, technology was already here and it only got better and more brand new technologies as I got older.  Almost everyone is using them, however my question is how has technology affect our minds especially excessive use of them. Technology has been beneficial and unbeneficial in today’s world and society and I want to explore more into that.  Especially with the growth of social media now almost everyone is addicted to their devices. What I expect to find in this research is how life was like before advanced technology like we see and how life was like before social media and compare it too how life and society is now. I expect to find out what affects does using decent amount technology and compare it too how one mind is affected when they use an excessive amount of it. I expect to learn more about the benefits and the downside of all this new advanced and rapid development of new technologies, such as devices. I also want to know and see what life was like before 1900s and see if life was better with or without the technologies we have and use today. I want explore more about how much it affects on our minds, how much it affects our society today as it plays a huge role in our lives. I want to explore if technology has been changing how we greet one other and/or socialize with one another. If I find any information that goes against this I will write about. The reason being its good to see different perpectives on how people view things. This will cause the readers to want to read more as they can form an opinion after reading differents side, different perpectives on how people view technology.