HW for 9/20

Dear Professor Stone,
   I hope your weekend went well, I’m in your ENG 1101 class that meets on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. I’d like to talk about the progress of my essay so far. My rough draft isn’t completely finished, I only have my introduction written so far. But, the good news is that I have an idea on how I want my education narrative to look, I just need to put my ideas on paper at this point. I appreciate you taking the time to read my email and evaluate my progress, enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you,
Gregory Marc

HW for 9/15

I was running late for my English class. Because of the low amount of sleep I got the night before, I was rushing through the city tech halls like a slug. I came into English class waiting for someone to start something with me, I was unbearably grumpy. The blinding ceiling lights prevented me from falling asleep, so I quickly lost hope in that opportunity. Since my eyes were practically being forced open, I thought I might as well pay attention to whatever we were talking about. We were discussing the article the class had to read for homework, the same one I slaved away for until 2 am. While my classmates were answering the questions professor Scanlan asked, I couldn’t believe the professor was accepting the answers they were providing. Internally, I was calling their answers idiotic, and I genuinely felt like they shouldn’t have had a take on the discussion. I thought my professor secretly agreed with me until he AGREED with somebody else’s point. I was panicking, I thought my pov on the article was the only right answer to it, no matter, it was only one other point of view, there’s no way there another perspective can be found, mine is still the better point. My confidence was shattering once professor Scanlan validated someone ELSE’S perspective. My world was coming to an end, and I started questioning my entire thought process, but while he was explaining his joy in hearing other perspectives on things, he said “one thing I love about perspectives, is that nobody’s perspective can ever be truly wrong”. I was wondering to myself whether that’s truly possible or not, but then surprisingly, I came to a realization, that I can be wrong too.


Professor Scanlan and the rest of the class were discussing the Billy Rahmani article we had to read for homework last night. Since I decided to have the work ethic of an average college student, I was up until 2 am reading that article, resulting in my bad attitude during class, my drowsiness was to blame. Trying to sleep was a lost cause due to the lighting of my class, curse those damn ceiling lights. With no other options present, I decided to listen to the group discussion, and I quickly regretted making that decision. Based on a few girls’ answers, I thought that I was the only person that had valid points to make, but I was QUICKLY mistaken once my professor ended up validating and agreeing with their points. I was questioning myself frantically, but once the professor said “one thing I love about perspectives, is that nobody’s perspective can ever be truly wrong”, I realized I relate to Billy Rahmani a lot more than I thought because we both realized in an instant that there’s such thing as other perspectives, and being wrong.

HW for 9/13

One educational experience that changed my perspective on learning, is an incident that happened in my English class last year, in my previous semester. This experience is ideally what I’d like to talk about because not only was it a very humbling experience for me in and outside of the classroom, but I also learned to be more open-minded to hearing different thoughts and opinions on topics discussed around me.


Another idea I can write about in my narrative was the day me and my  ASAP advisor were having a brutally honest talk about my performance in school. Things got very emotional that day between the two of us because neither of us ever wanted to discuss a predicament like the one I led myself into, that day. After that talk with her, I learned to value my education which would make a great story for my educational narrative because this event directly affected my work ethic in college.


The last idea I devised for my educational narrative is the effect COVID-19’s quarantine period had on my work ethic entirely. Because of COVID-19, I was forced to stay in my house a majority of the time and look at what was happening outdoors through the screen. Due to the prolonged exposure, I now struggle to put my devices down when it’s time to hand in an assignment for my classes. I still struggle with this problem to this day. Although I really like this idea, I think this is the most generic thing to talk about in an educational narrative unique to me, therefore, I’m not considering this idea too much, even though it perfectly matches the criteria for the project.