Unit 3 proposal

I would like to teach my audience about immigration and how people are treating them unfairly. That could include on how they are being paid and the amount of hours they are put into. I think some of the reason why they are treated unfairly in the economy is because the immigrant lowers the amount of money of the American workers.

My topic is immigration and I would like to know more about this topic. Question 1. What does immigrants affect people living in the US? People complain and  keep insulting immigrants like for example “ go back to your country”. My other question is why are immigrants treated like other people? Is this because they are not citizens? So that is why they should be treated poorly and different from others. My third question . Why are people making it a big deal? They can’t just leave them alone and mind their own business. Immigrants are being separated from their family and leaving their kids. To take them back to their countries. Leaving the kid and parent apart, not seeing them for years.


What do I know? : I know that immigration is a problem here in the U.S

what do I want to know ? : I would like to know why does the U.S have a problem with other to live in the U.S .When is this going to change.

what did I learn : people that are immigrants have trouble with education, and looking for jobs.