Part 1

Look for places your writing could be published (or posted) and answer these questions for that publication forum.  Remember, this doesn’t have to be a magazine (though it can be!) but you should start getting a little specific! If you’re writing a short story, look at a collection of short stories.  If you’re making a YouTube video, look at a particular channel, etc… 

  • What kinds of articles/ stories/ media  (and ads and videos for that matter) are on that site?  
  • What does that tell you about who they think their audience is? How do you draw that conclusion?
  • How long are the pieces usually? (pages, words, minutes)?
  • What is the tone, usually? (funny, serious, casual)
  • What kind of diction is usually used? (casual, formal, academic, etc.) 
  • How do they usually use evidence/ support (such as data, quotations, interviews, etc)?
  • What can you tell us about their visual presentation?  Is it all black and white text? Video with lots of graphics? 
  • Do you think this would be a good publication or forum to reach your intended audience?  Why or why not? 

If you have a particular genre you want to write in, but you haven’t been able to find a forum where it would be published or posted, don’t immediately switch genres! Talk to me first– I’m sure we can find something. 

Part 2

WRITE: Write a plan for Unit 3 – New Genre piece.  What are your goals for working/ thinking/ brainstorming/ gathering material? Make a schedule for yourself in which you map out the different steps you need to complete and when you need to complete them by.

Post your answers to the Openlab under the category Discussions>Unit 3

Unit 3 Proposal

Due this Thursday, 11/17, before the start of class

WRITE a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3, then
POST it to the website under the category Unit 3 Proposals.

This proposal should be in paragraph form and must include: 

    • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 
    • The audience you are trying to reach
    • The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
    • Where you would hypothetically publish or present this text and why did you choose that site/venue/publication?
    • A plan – how do you intend to get started?
    • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project?