Unit 3 Proposal – Saif S.

The most important thing is that the process of terraforming is doable. We may not be able to be there for it’s effects but we can get a start on the process. I am trying to address this to those with unsure career choices and astronomy majors. Personally, I feel like these kind of people can benefit from the information I am providing sure to their careers. I am planning to make a YouTube video. I already have some experience in video making and I also feel like a video will be a digestible piece of content for my audience. I can write a script or outline in Google docs and upload the video to YouTube. To start I would have to make an outline on key ideas and sub ideas I want to convey. I do feel like I can grab additional sources for information so I will be sure to look for those. After listing down my ideas, I will try to find pictures and/or gifs that will help convey my information to the watcher. After I will record myself speaking and edit the pictures and gifs over it to make a video. A question I have is if we do make a video is there a minimum time requirement?

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