In Class Writing for 11/15/22

What I believe I want to teach my audience more than anything is to be aware of information available to them that they should know about the coronavirus pandemic and some aspects of its inner workings.

Realistically I am trying to reach everyone that the coronavirus pandemic has touched, which is a great many people.  I don’t believe anyone in this world hasn’t been affected by the pandemic in some way, large or small.  Specifically of those people I am trying to speak to ones more at risk of psychological issues arising from the consequences of the pandemic because that is the aspect of the pandemic I chose to focus on.

The genre that I am planning to write in is more of an informative piece similar to a news article that is specifically made to inform people of the dangers of the pandemic based on this aspect of it that I have chosen to focus on.  It will advise people of information that they should know in order to protect themselves from the dangers of the pandemic, and those most at risk of developing mental issues from it should be the most informed.

I would hypothetically publish this text in a government information site that is specifically targeted at citizens of the country in which I live in because the pandemic is a matter of national security and people need to be informed of what is going on and how to protect themselves.  Things that come from official government websites are extremely vital sources of information because it comes from such an official source.

I intend to get started with this by first collecting the source of my focus, mental health issues that can arise from the pandemic, and informing those most at risk of them to be aware and how to protect themselves.

I’m worried about the flow of the written piece and how well it’ll be able to be formulated into the genre I wish to write it in.  My sources may not flow as well as I want them to, and it’s my job to properly pick and choose the right information from them that best fits the purpose of the written piece.

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