WRITE- my source summarized the definition of what racial profiling specifically is, it also comments on the groups targeted and communities, it also speaks about the timeline in which racial profiling was more popular, in the past, as well as now in the present. The author, David A. Harris states examples such as the late twentieth century in which African Americans were targeted by police and brutally harassed for a long period, even until today. The article also states questions such as, “Did racial profiling help police catch more bad guys and make us safer?” which answers that there isn’t proof that it did. It also states the example of the racial issues after 911, in which many people started to target Muslim, Arab, and middle eastern people and call them words such as “terrorist” as well as harassing them and even beating them. The entire article sets questions and examples concerning racial profiling over the years and because of international catastrophes/conflicts
PASTE- (1)“looking back from the distance of two decades, we know that this did not happen. Racial profiling did not end with the Bush administration; in fact, it intensified, even while it changed shape and took on new targets. But the tactic remained the same: using racial or ethnic appearance as an indicator of suspicion, followed by law enforcement engagement.”, (2) “We do not lack ways to confront and root out this tactic and the damage it does; what we need now—what we have always needed—remains the political will to challenge and change what law enforcement does on a basic level. We knew in 2000, and we know now, that racial profiling does not make us safer. It may make us less safe, as it misses its intended targets, blinds law enforcement, and serves as salt in the wounds that keep police departments and communities of color at odds and apart from each other.”
WRITE- The author’s name is David A. Harris, and he attended the University of Pennsylvania. Their attitude towards the subject is serious and a huge concern for him since he specializes in profiles of injustice, in the article he generalizes the entire country and adds the world to it, explaining how these events of discrimination and profiling hurt communities and people which the opposite intentions, we can tell by how he states examples in which innocent people have been discriminated and beaten. Their primary audience is the people, other audiences behind this article can also be people with higher power or power that can help change these unfair treatments and be able to communicate messages like this to communities and change them for the better. I say this because he specifies the incidents and puts in detail the statistics and graphics which demonstrate the people being targeted, how long, and the quantities, which he writes with formality. I believe the author does not ignore any audience he is trying to gain as much audience as possible to spread this important information and create a change within society. Nothing happened on the date it was published (January 21, 2020) he probably just wanted to write about this constant societal concern.
The author was communicating his concern and feedback about true events and societal conflicts, as well as influencing others with the negative effects on people and/or communities that are racially profiled and create change. The genre perfectly labeled this article as something serious and real that has been happening in society and around the globe for a long period. The tone in the article is serious, it also states many statistics which clearly show that he wants to prove his point and create a concern for others. He uses Ethos for most of his article