9/15- paragraph specific events

One specific event that changed my view on education is, a time where in highschool as a class we went to 3 different museums, Art, Science and History and we got to see many different sculptures, different prices of history, like certain people who changed History forever, such as Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman (She led slaves on the train and fled the country) and many more. We also saw the different buildings that were minimized in the art showcase that we went to. The science museum, we saw different sculptures, like the first ever made plane, lightbulb and electricity etc. The feel of each building was very unique and it brought a bit of nostalgia reading and understanding the history behind those people, objects and many more. This changed my view on Education because it taught me a different way of how to think about things and how they work and how I can understand them better. 

Another event that Changed my view on Education is a time when we were taught about WW1 and 2 and we watched a movie inspired by it called 1917 and we also watched a slavery movie inspired by what colored people back in the late 1880’s went through and the movie is called “12 years a slave”, this although doesn’t change my veiw on education but it overall changes how I veiw different peices of history and how it impacted the world around us.

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