Proposal for 11/17

I would like to teach my audience why victims of domestic violence sometimes stay with their abusers and how a victim can potentially leave that scenario. The audience I am trying to reach are victims of domestic violence and their friends/family. The genre I’m considering at the moment is a video essay because I believe videos are easier to digest and typically reach a wider audience. Also, I feel sometimes people need to feel like someone is talking to them directly and a video in my opinion does that well. I would hypothetically publish this text on Youtube perhaps because it is a very well known video platform that millions use every day. To get started, I intend to look back on my unit 2 research and begin to formulate a sort of script to assist me in my project. My concerns for finishing this project include procrastination and my own awkwardness I suppose. For my video to be effective I would need to sound genuine and my nervousness may force me to speak in a monotonous way. Another concern would be finding a place and time to record without extra noise.

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