KWL+ 10.13.22

K- I know that social media is relatively new compared to our history. It has only been around since the 2000’s. It was made to connect with friends and family via means online. It can be helpful to connect with people you haven’t spoken to in years and can help you see new things that you usually don’t see. I also know it’s very accessible and open and anyone can sign up for it. It’s good for spreading a message across to a broader audience.

W- I want to know what was the exact reason social media was created? By whom and what was their end goal? Did they know it was going to end up the way it ended up today. Did they have a predetermined agenda?

L- The first social network platform was created in 1997 and it was called “Six Degrees”. It was created so you could send messages to your friends and so you can create a list of your connections. It was founded by Andrew Weinreich and it didn’t have a preset agenda. The first largest platform which was adopted by many users was Facebook created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. It’s original agenda was to connect Harvard students with one another. Over a thousand people registered in the first day and it was a hit. Some would say it was a start of addictive behavior online. You could share videos, and instantly message your friends as well and meet new people.

Still want to know – I want to know what the long term affects of social media are. Also I want to learn how it got created and why were they created according to the developer of them.

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