KWL assignment

A topic I want to learn more about is racism, police brutality and how bad it is affecting society today.

  • Police brutality 
  • Racism 
  • Abortion 

I know racism is discriminating against someone based on there race, unfair treatments towards an individual. Racism happens everyday whether it’s in school, a student making fun of you because of your skin color or how dark you are, or applying for a job. They jump to conclusions based on your name because it sounds ghetto.

 Can we stop racism?

i’ve learned a lot about police brutality over the pandemic protest over protest went on about black lives matter, over social media like instagram, twitter #blackouttuesday. It was a protest about racism and police brutality against black people. It was a response to the incident of Gerge Floyd, and Breonna taylor. Police brutality is a force of law enforcement against a person, black people have been the race to go through this, so many people black people have lost their lives because of white police men. It’s not only the police it’s everyone discriminating black people, saying there bad, there gang members, they do drugs. Even me as a black personality, when I go into a store I always buy something so the people don’t think I’m stealing. They even follow me around, black people aren’t safe anywhere.

I want to learn more about those two topics, how it has ruined society, and changed how people think today even little kids.


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