Homework for 9/8

The conventions of the education narrative genre is, for one, that it teaches you something.  Whether it’s about racism, or identity, the genre is always trying to teach you something through the eyes of how another person experienced it.  It takes a subject and expands on it, asking questions relating to it such as: why do these things exist, what is wrong or right about them, how does this affect me or other like me, what can I do to change this and make it better?  It’s about asking the overarching questions that challenge the foundational existence of something and teaching you what you can do with it.

A place to get started in my own education narrative could maybe be about finding oneself. I related to the story of Jose Olivarez a lot, and I might wish to do something in relation to the discovery of your own personal identity.  I could write about the chaos of life and how nothing is within our control other than what we do with ourselves, and even then self-control is something many people including myself lack.

My concern with writing an education narrative of my own is that I don’t really know where to go with it. I don’t know what it’s supposed to lead into or what the lesson I’m supposed to teach is.  I’m not old enough to have experienced everything so I can’t say that I am good at giving advice or teach anyone about anything.  I guess all I can do is speak from my own personal experiences and how I’ve dealt with them and hope a like minded individual understands where I am coming from.

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