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Without a genre in a story, there is no entertainment for the reader. Imagination plays a big role in the education narrative genre, you’re not only physically thinking or using creativity but mentally also. Creativity is also another ingredient,  it’s where you gain more ideas and you think outside the box. I think online is a great start to get started, you have the internet, different sources, social media, you can watch videos to help you or tutorials to guide you. My concerns about writing an education narrative of my own is grammar, staying on topic. One educational experience I had was when I was little, I wasn’t born here so learning English was very hard for me. I moved to America when I was 4 years old. I was placed in a low school and the grade and teaching level wasn’t high. I was out in speech class, I wasn’t doing well in my homework or my exams. My parents couldn’t help me either their speech wasn’t that good, I had to go to speech therapy and get tortured. It started to improve after getting help but my accent was still there and strong, when I moved to the next grade I started to stutter badly there was no explanation. Every time I tried to get a word out my leg started shaking, I was making movements with my hands, and I was out of breath. I had anxiety anytime the teacher would call on me to answer a question or to read, I always avoided it. Over time my English got better but my stuttering was still there. It took a long time for me to learn how to breathe and relax.

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