Hw for Tuesday 9/6

The goal in the article is to read like a writer. I’m already an author, I have writing experience and knowledge. I was taught how to write an essay or story step by step. from rough drafts to hard copies. How to start an introduction, body paragraphs, and end a conclusion. We are authors every day whether it’s from texting my friends, tweeting on Twitter, love letters, or emailing a professor. I form my own beliefs like authors do. Words play a big part in my life, it’s a way I communicate, and express my feelings. Words are very strong, they can make people smile or even hurt someone. My reading and writing skills will help me not only in college but in the future. I will be more open-minded and have a clear head and my writing will be flowing. It can help me communicate with students in the calls anytime I need their help, or if it’s a group project. Passing my classes will be easy, and my learning will be better, solving problems on my own, just being able to adapt anywhere I go. Even on a regular day learning to approach an argument. In Bunn’s article, I noticed how he started an essay with a quote I would like to try to grab the reader’s attention. I’m a very indecisive person so the pros and cons list would be perfect, I would be able to point out and pick a side.

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