8/27 Millennials, Online Literacy, Homework

A brief Google Images search for the key term “millennials” yields the following results:

To survive without losing our minds in today’s age of “fake news,” we need to know how to ask questions about and analyze images and info online.  To do this is to practice “online literacy.”  Let’s dive in:

0) What is / who are the subject(s) of this image?  What is its topic, “story,” action?  What objects seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image?  What might the “backstory” or “context” of this image be?

1) Why might this image [or, taken together, these images] have been made?  What are the possible purposes involved in the production of these images?

2) What might the “message” (or messages) of this image be?

3) How has this image been constructed?

3a) Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  3b) How is the image framed?  (What is in the image and what is not in the image?)  What is the angle from which the image is taken (low, high, God’s eye, etc.)?

3c) How much of the frame does the subject take up?  (How large does the subject appear to be in comparison to the other objects in the image?  Why might this be?)

3d) What is in the foreground of this image?  What is in the background?  Is there a relationship between what is in the foreground and what is in the background?

4) What might be the connections between questions #2 (message?) and #3 (how made?)?

5) Who made/published this image?  When?

HW: Activate CT e-mail and join OpenLab. Post answers to the above questions.  Read pp. 1–6 in Packet 1. Read and do exercises on pp. 1-4 of Grammar Book.

30 thoughts on “8/27 Millennials, Online Literacy, Homework”

  1. 1) I believe the purpose of the photo is to illustrate culture of social media. And how and why “millennials” take photos.

    2) The message is that millennials culture is fun. After that photo I bet they are glued back to their phone.

    3)People now are more concerned about how the photo looks than the action itself. 30 photos taken and still not satisfied with outcome.

    3a)The photo is relying on the natural lighting

    3b)The image is the friends hanging out and having fun. Taking a silly photo. What not shown in the image is the events leading up to that moment. We don’t get to what happened before or after that photo. It is a moment in time. The image is taken at high angle.

    3c)It zooms in on the group and blocks out the surrounding area. It focuses on the group because they are subject of image.

    3d)The foreground is people and background are areas behind them. Trees in the background. The relationship is used as means to take the photo about millennials.

    4)To illustrate a narrative that millennials are always on their phones to be on social media and taking pictures to be apart it.

    5)These photos were published by BBVA.com and ThoughtCo by June 29,2017.


  2. 1. This image might have been made to show the connection that millennials have with their phones, and to show that one of the purposes is to capture a moment.

    2. The message of this image is to show the main subject which is the phone.

    3. This image has been constructed to not only view the group of people but to also view the phone and what is going on with it.

    3a. I would say there is natural lighting but it also seems to be edited in some way.

    3b. What’s in the picture is the group of friends but you can’t really see the background or what is behind them. The image in the phone seems to be at a lower angle.

    3c. The subject being the phone takes up about a third of the picture. The group of friends behind the phone seem to be larger but the phone is the main thing in focus.

    3d. The foreground of this image would be the group of friends. In the background you can see some trees. The relationship would be a group of friends having a fun time and capturing a moment.

    4.The connection might be that phones are a big part of millennials growing up.

    5. The picture we talked about in class was by Odyssey but it was published by Beverly Jenkins and updated on June 29, 2017

    1. Leslyann, I like that you’ve done some additional research to find more info on the authorship of the image (Odyssey and Beverly Jenkins).  To improve this, can you add a bit more about why you think the subject of the image is the phone (rather than the people in it)?  Thanks.

  3. 1) I think that the image was made to show the role technology or more specifically phones have on the lives of millenials. It’s meant to give people some insight on what life for a millenial is like.
    2) The message of this image is that phones have become a big part of the lives of millenials.
    3) The image was constructed by bringing the people out of focus and the phone in focus to make it the subject of the photo.
    3a) It looks like the image is a photo that has been edited in photoshop. The way the image is more focused on the foreground could possibly accomplished through photography however, the lighting seems to be artificial and the way the phone is missing its user interface shows that the image on the phone is an added layer.
    3b) The image seems to be at an eye level however it looks like the picture that they took is from a lower angle.
    3c) The subject takes up about a third of the frame. I think that even though it takes up less of the image I think that it does to show how important these small devices are to millenials.
    3d) The foreground shows the phone and the image of the group in focus while the background show the group taking the picture out of focus. The relationship between the two shows that for millennials life isn’t not so much about the physical world anymore. Phones and digital media have taken a big role on their lives which is why the phone is more focused on than they are.
    4) The construction of the image is what completes it and gives it a message. Without the edits then it might just look like a simple image of people taking a picture together. Through the way the image was constructed we can tell that the person who made this image was trying to show us more than that.
    5) The photo was first published by user franckreporter on istockphoto.com on August 18, 2015.

  4. 1) This image might have been made to portray the context in which millennials have shifted the focus of themselves to phones and new technology. Where people now see themselves solely on a screen instead of who the people behind the screen really are.

    2) The message of the image is that phones and technology are becoming a burden in our lives and hindering us from seeing the true quality of people rather than just viewing it on a screen. We are so used to constantly taking pictures that we lose focus on the real subject, which is the people themselves, not the people on the screen since they are not real. They are only just an image. 

    3) This image has been constructed by having the people take a photo of themselves and show it to the photographer who is taking a picture of the picture.

    3a) The image has been photoshopped to put the real people in the background out of focus and put the phone in clear focus. This is done so that the viewer will be directed on the phone only. Which makes the entire photo look clearly edited. 

    3b) The image is framed as the phone is the major subject and focus of attention. 

    3c) The subject takes up more than half of the frame and is in full focus.

    3d) The picture on the phone is in the foreground of this image. The group of people is in the background. The relationship is that it is the same people except the background is real and the foreground is not. 

    4) The connection between questions #2 and #3 is that phones have a significant impact on the way millennials act with other people and what they want others to think of them and see based on pictures. 

    5) The photo was published by Beverly Jenkins and updated on June 29, 2017. 


  5. The millennial showing how passion they are to use the modern technology to take pictures. they took the picture to show that they know how to use its function. They took a picture of a picture. They took the picture on day time at the football field on a same day and same spot.

    1. I really like how you said that the  millennials are showing passion with modern technology because I agree that there is definitely passion involved. I think that you should go more into detail on what you think the subject is. Is the subject to you the people in the photo it’s self, or the phone and it’s modern technology?

  6. 1)  The objective of this photo is to demonstrate how millennials shifted their social behavior by being more into their phones and social media, it more important for them to capture a moment in a photo rather then enjoying the moment with their friends only.

    2) The message of this photo is show whats the most important thing to millennials, their phones.

    3) This image was constructed to blur out the background with the people but the phone is centered and the brightest to show its more important to the millennials rather then whats going on in the moment.

    3a+3b) The image is been edited to take the focus off the people by blurring it and shifting the main focus  towards the photo in the phone. The purpose of the image is the phone. You can tell because the phone is almost half the image itself and the lighting focusing around the phone and hands is very bright drawing your attention to it first. However the background image blurs out all the faces of the people in the phone’s picture.

    3c) The subject takes up almost half of the image and is centered, this is because the image wants to show us the high interest millennials have on taking selfies and just showing that.

    3d) The foreground is the phone with the photo of all their faces (this is the most important thing), the background is the blurred out image of all the people in the moment from the photo (not important).

    4) The connection between the message of the image and how it was constructed is that millennials are extremely attached to their phones now and the image portrays how these young adults view their phones, pictures and social media in today’s standards.

    5) The image was published by Beverly Jenkins on June 29, 2017.

    1. Zaina, I like how your answer are very similar to mine. It shows me you interpret the imagine the same way as me and think millennials are so attached to their phones that they spend less time socializing with friends. One thing to improve would be clarifying what’s the purpose of the picture.

    2. Zaina, I really like the part of this post where you discuss the effects of blurring and focus in the image.  You note that the author of this image has blurred the focus in the background (on the millennials) to shift our attention to the phone in the foreground.  Can you add a bit more to your first claim: that the photo shows us how millennial’s behavior has shifted toward their being more into their phones?  What is the backstory here?  How did millennials behave previously?


  7. 1. I think that the image was made to show the role of technology and how it influences us.

    2. The message of this image is how people don’t communicate verbally they just use their phone to communicate.

    3. This image has been constructed to see the people and how they use their phones .

    3a. I feel like it has been photoshopped because when you zoom in their faces look really clear and clean.

    3b. It looks like itwas taken by a high angle.

    3c. It takes up the whole frame .

    3d. The foreground of this image is the group of friends. The background seems to be in a highway in the city.

    4. The connection between question #2 and #3 is that phones have a significant impact on society.

    5. It was published by Beverly Jenkins on June 29,2017.

  8. 1) This image might have been made to show how millennials revolve around technology. One of the purposes of this image is to capture that particular moment for memories.

    2)The message of this image might be that technology, especially phones, play a bigger role everyday in the lives of millenials.

    3)This image has been constructed by a photographer asking these millennials to show him a group selfie they had just taken.

    3a)Photoshop was used in the creation of this photo. The background was purposely blurred to make the phone and the photo on the phone the focal point of the image. I can tell artificial lighting was used. The hands of the millennials holding the phone seems to be under a bright light even though when you look at the background, it’s not a sunny day.

    3b)The image is framed so that you can’t tell where the millennials are at. They only want you to focus on the phone. The angle from which the image is taken is eye level.

    3c)The subject (phone) takes almost half of the frame. It appears to be bigger than the actual people that took the picture this is because they want to focus on the phone more than anything else in the frame.

    3d)The foreground of the image is the phone where the millennials took their group selfie. Other than the millennials in the background it appears to be that there might be some sort of park in the background. The background and foreground are essential the same thing just that the background is doesn’t include the phone and it’s out of focus.

    4)The connection between question 2 and question 3 might be that the photographer felt like showing the world how millennials are often found using their phones everywhere.

    5) The image was published by Beverly Jenkins on June 29, 2017.

    1. Taylor, I enjoyed the amount of detail you put into deconstructing the image’s message. Especially when talking about important details such as foreground, background and the framing. However you should further explain the connection between questions 2 + 3.

  9. The subject of this image is the phone, the action is posing in the picture. Object to subject are the people and that the group of people are the backstory. The quality of the pictures is the significance based on one being clear and the back being distressed.  The image may have been made to show a purpose of the past Millennials to the current. The possible purpose involved in the production is being tricked by the past where you can not focus on the present, because it’s blurry but only have a clear view of the past. The message may be don’t let what you see in front of you distract you from reality (the background). The image has been instructed in a foreground and background view, where you can only focus on the foreground because it is clear, by using the media of photography and natural and artificial. The image is framed as in the background there is more detail to the picture more is exposed as for example the female on the right is seen fully but within the phone she’s not really seen with the same features, the angle is also medium-low. The frame which is the phone takes over the main focus of the background picture, the group may be the subject. In the foreground you are able to see the clarity of the groups picture but in the background some are distracted. The relationship between the foreground and background are that the may be in the same place but each person may have a change of feelings. The connections within question 2 and 3 are that the viewers may  focus on what’s clear but don’t let that picture distract you from how they are truly feeling behind the blur. Published by Beverly Jenkins on June 29, 2017

    1. “Object to subject are the people and that the group of people are the backstory” maybe try re-wording this sentence a little , for example , ‘ The people are the objects which seem significant to the subject. The people are also the backstory” || Other than that , I liked how you thought deeply about the message, saying , “… don’t let you see in front of you distract you from reality.” Good job 🙂

  10. 1. I think the image is showing how technology is used and the possible purposes involved in the ‘production’ could be making memories

    2. The message could be that phones are a big deal, because they are used for everything.

    3. This image has been constructed by how millennial’s rely mostly on their phones.

    3a. I think that photo shop was used, and artificial lighting because the hands and the phone are focused and in the background the group of friends are doing different facial expressions then the ones on the phone.

    3b.  I think the pictures coming from a middle angle.

    3c.  The subject takes up a third and that is because it is the main focus of the photo.

    3d. The foreground is the phone, and in the background it looks like there is a field, or an area wherever there’s grass. I do not think there is a relationship between the phone and the grass because, the photo is more focused on the phone.

    4. To show that millennial’s are always on their phone, and they rely on a lot of technology.

    5. The image was published by Franckreporter on istockphoto.com on August 18, 2015.


  11. 0) The subject is the phone that is taking a photo of a group of adults who appear to be younger than 40 but older than 18 years old. The group of people must have gone to a park and wanted to commemorate the time spent with a group photo.
    1. This photo was most likely made for a stock image to license to another company when they want to use a photo of millennials.
    2) The main idea of this photo could just be that millennials take photos of themselves with phones.
    3) If I were to guess they asked someone else to take two photos. Used one photo the backdrop and the other on the phone in the foreground. After that, added a gaussian blur to the background and added the phone with the picture inside of it on to the foreground
    3a) A combination of Photoshop and photography was used. The lighting is very unnatural especially once you compare the hands to the side of the faces. This was clearly added in post-production. The arms of the people on the side are cropped out so it looks like they’re holding the phone. The foreground and background are both from neutral angles.
    Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  3b) How is the image framed?  (What is in the image and what is not in the image?)  What is the angle from which the image is taken (low, high, God’s eye, etc.)?
    3c) The phone takes up about one-third of the photo because its the main part of the photo.
    3d) The phone is in the foreground while the people are in the background. The phone is much more important because it brings clarity to the photo.
    4) You can make a  connection describing how the photo is depicting the “selfie-culture” that millennials created and the photo is just depicting that. But it clearly isn’t its intent.
    5) It was created by Franckreporter, I don’t know when but you can find the same group of people here.


  12. These images shows what society thinks of the millennials. The images show a group of people who aren’t verbally communicating but spending their times with their phones. The purpose involved in the production of these images is to show how the majority of the people think of the millennials  to be focused only on our current technology. The message of the image is to show how millennials depend on their technology. The producers of the image are trying to send a message to show them what society thinks of them.
    This image has been digitally photographed where the hand holding the phone is the subject in the photo and the background shows the millennials. It’s in a rectangular shape where the phone is in the middle. The lighting is focused on the phone rather than the actual people behind it with an artificial lighting. The medium close up shot was used to show the phone with the background.
    The subject looks to take up at least 1/3 of the frame. The subject is smaller while the background takes up more space. The Medium Close Up shot is zoomed closer into the subject rather than the background. The foreground in the image is the fingers holding the phone and the phone itself. The background is the millennials in the back. The foreground shows the message of the image of how millennials are focused on technology too much and the background supports it by showing that the millennials aren’t the subject in the image.
    Both the message and the construction of the image has a connection. The construction of the image helps us understand what the image is showing  us which is the foreground and background. Also, the medium close up shot is significant where it displays the subject clearly. This image was published by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) in 2016.

  13. Karina,

    I like how you described technology as being a new friend and how we make it feel so necessary to have it in our everyday lives. I think you should expand more on why the girl who took the picture didn’t show interest if anybody else got cut off in the rest of the photo.

  14. In my opinion, I feel like this picture was taken to show how today in day everybody’s life is shown through a screen. & also the picture might also be showing that everything revolves around our phones. The photo also looks very photoshopped, because if you look at the picture on the phone you can tell that the people’s facial expressions are different then their facial expressions in real life.

    1. Jean Paul, I think you did a good job, analyzing their facial expressions, and describing what you think is happening in the photo. However, I feel that if you added more detail, this response would’ve been really well done.

  15.  The image is to characterize how Mellinnials are attracted to the morden days technologies such as smart phones. It further explains how mellinnials portray themselves through images. The background of the images show the environment of a field or a park which was blur  and how mellinnails shows themselves in groups. Technology has become a way of life to mellinnials with the help of softwares to edit pictures or images taken with a smart phone or digital camera, software such as photoshop, PicsArt etc.


  16. This Image was able to make a Clear connection that Milleniald has their phones so they can be able to experience a captured moment of a good moment through their phone In which technology Is known as the New way of expression Of a teen. So that for gave me a clear Vision to think that the main message Is the Phone and It’s imagery being viewed In a way In which you have to try and understand not only the people with the phone but what’s going on with it , What I mean by this Is the editing of this capture shows a different lighting and angle Inside the phone than outside of in its background.

  17. 1. This image might have been made to capture a moment of close college friends that enjoy being together, as displayed in the image millennials seem to be comfortable around each other due to their facial expressions.

    2.The message pof this image might be the new generation of millennials, what I mean by that is, technology wasn’t the big picture as it is in the early 2000’s century. Things are more advance and we are taking advantage of that in a positive way.

    3. As it appears this image has been constructed with two friends holding the phone on opposite sides. Furthermore this imagine has been displayed to have been photoshopped. As it appears the photo in the phone vs the photo in the background is clear and focused. Meanwhile the image in the background seem to be blur and not the same exact time the photo in the phone has been captured.

    3a. The photo seems to have been photo shopped as I stated in answer #3.

    3b. The frame of this image is the phone, capturing a memorable moment that wont be forgotten cause it will now be saved in the phone. The seven friends in this image seem to be enjoying their day, but doesn’t display a background with a specific location. For example a park, local church, club, etc.. Because of the angle, where the phone is on a medium level, directly facing the people you cannot see a background.

    3c. The subject which is the phone takes up a quarter of the image vs the background of the image that takes up 3/4 of the image. This is ironic but clear that the main focus  is on the millennials and that moment being captured in this generation.

    3d. The foreground in this imagine is the subject which is the phone and the background is the same people but not the same image that is in the foreground, because they are both captured in different moments. The background displays more of a off guard with a blur to keep focus of the foreground.

    4. Question 2 and 3 are relatable b/c the way the image has been constructed is the reason why we dictate the inner message in our own perspectives.

    5. The person that published this image is Beverly Jenkins on June 29, 2017.

  18. 0)The subjects of these images show people of young age using the cell phones in their everyday lives. The significant topic that is showed in these images are that people use their phones a lot on a daily basis.

    1)These images were made to show to everyone how we use cell phones on our daily lives with people we hang out with and also when we are by ourselves.

    2)The message of these images is to inform how we use our cell phones on a daily basis and we as people of the young age are always on our phones.

    3)The image shows 7 people that came together to take a photo. People tend to take group photos with each other and then upload on social media and this is showed in this image.It also seems like the image is changed because the image on the phone is different than the actual image of the people. The facial expressions of the people are different on the cell phone.

    3a)The image used photoshop to change the image on the cell phone. The person who created this image most likely had that photo taken before. The image has natural lighting as they are outside taking the photo. The photo is taken in a third person view as it is taking a photo of a group of people taking a photo.

    3c)The subject in the image takes up the whole frame because it is a group of people coming together to take the photo. The subjects seem to be normal size because they are close to the camera.

    3d)The image is focused onto the cell phone that is taking a photo of the group.The background are the subjects of the image as they are taking a picture of themselves.

    4)The connection between questions 2 and 3 is how the photo sends a message of how we capture moments with ourselves to put on social media as question 3 shows the perspective of our lives within.

    5) The image was on June 2,2017 by Beverly Jenkins.

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