caleb97’s Profile

Active 5 years, 8 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

English 1101 Fall 2018 Sec. D354

English 1101 Fall 2018 Sec. D354

English Composition 1 / The Split Self: Personal Identity On- and Off-line

ARCH1231 Building Tech I, SP2019

ARCH1231 Building Tech I, SP2019

Building Technology I: An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and sections, and basic details as well as the study of material properties and applications. [ARCH1231 is the first in a series of four Building Tech Courses]

ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2019

ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2019

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and sections, and basic details as well as the study of material properties and applications.

ARCH1121 A World History of Architecture, SP2019 Zagaroli

ARCH1121 A World History of Architecture, SP2019 Zagaroli

The study of architectural technology from prehistoric times to the present, stressing the development of structural systems and the exploration of materials. This course will also explore the interaction of building design and historic socio-economic determinants. This is a writing intensive course.

ESOL 222R – 3U55 (9833) – FYSP Summer Reading 2

ESOL 222R – 3U55 (9833) – FYSP Summer Reading 2

The purpose of this course is to provide intensive work on intermediate English language and reading skills necessary for college-level work. This is a second-level reading course, in our three-level sequence. The goal of the course is to build strong reading and thinking skills by intensifying the quantity of reading and the level and quality of analysis. Students will read in and out of class. Weekly vocabulary and reading comprehension quizzes will build language proficiency and test taking ability. All course work will increase student reading comprehension, general and discipline-based knowledge and facilitate passing the CUNY standardized exam. By the end of the semester, the students should acquire the following competencies: • Identify subject matter/discipline in a given text • Identify author’s point of view and tone • State the main idea of the text • Recognize implied meaning in text • Critically analyze a text within its socio-political contexts • Discuss ideas expressed in a text using college-level vocabulary • Write short summaries • Recognize different text genres, e.g., argumentation, discussion, report, proposal • Understand the role of transitional words • Recognize writer’s purpose and audience

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