For Tues: finish reading Crawford’s “The Anxieties of Big Data” and complete the blog assignment below. Also read Nijhuis’ “The Pocket Guide to Bullshit Prevention.” Bring both the Unit 2 Packet and the Grammar packet to class.
On the blog: below, make a list of 3 important points you noticed in Crawford’s article “The Anxieties of Big Data.” Also include 1 brief quotation from the article. (Your points and quotation can be given in note form; i.e., you don’t have to write a full paragraph—we’ll work on that in class).
In the article, Kate Crawford wrote the fact that in 2014 they “learned” about Squeaky Dolphin, a coded name for a secret progrmam created by the British intelligence to monitor Youtube and Facebook. That made me think about what other “programs” we haven’t discovered yet.
On the 3rd paragraph, Crawford wrote that surveillant anxiety is similiar to twins, as the anxiety of those surveilled are deeply connected to the anxiety of the surveillers. Which made me wonder , how do the surveillers feel knowing their paid to literally stalk people and invade their privacy?
And lastly, Crawford wrote we all have some sort of surveillant anxiety, fearing that all the data we share are too revealing of our lives but also misrepresent us. I just kinda agree with Crawford, but I think thats called insecurity.
Anyways “Like a fluorescent light in a dark corridor, it can both show too much and not enough.” I just love metaphors like this
3 important points I noticed in Crawford’s article that more background information is being checked while we are surfing the web, which makes us the people a bit nervous and careful on how we search things up “from the Boston bombings to Malaysian airlines flight 370, we know that data black holes exist…. these demonstrate why the epistemic big data ambition to collect it all” therefore this shows that more security is being done because off these horrific events. Also, more security is being done to low income Americans as Crawford quotes Virginia Eubanks ” …low income Americans on welfare benefits has shown the degree to which tracking for them has been normalized” so these workers are okay with being spied on and do not mind going through it.
3 important points:
* the surveilled fear that all the things type/search on a regular basis may reveal too much of who they are or might misinterpret their character while the surveillers fear that they don’t know/have enough data about the surveilled.
* the more data they draw the harder it is to make a clear connections b/w details which lead to a concrete conclusion.
* the more people try to blend in with the crowd to minimize the amount of their data being collected new ways of collecting data will be created eventually invading all of ones privacy.
“These moments demonstrate why the epistemic big-data ambition—to collect it all— is both never-ending and deeply flawed”
In this article “The Anxieties of Big Data,” three important points I noticed were, that there is never enough data being collected, the future of surveillance can be determined by looking at the poor communities, “Electronic Benefit Transfer cards recording every purchase to higher levels of neighborhood police security and camera surveillance,” and instead of only focusing on big data they realized that they also needed to focus on small data in order to help mask over the black holes in Big Data.
Kate Crawford’s ” The Anxieties of Big Data ” we learn that ” it is all about supplementing data analysis with broader sociocultural tools from anthropology, sociology, political science, biology, history, psychology and economics.” She tries to reassure us by telling us ” Everyone knows it, but nobody talks about it. In order to work against it, we first have to recognize the condition and trace its contours.” I always known that there was no true privacy on the Internet which is why I purposefully don’t have any social media accounts. It’s the government’s obligation to care about it’s citizens, meaning that they respect out privacy and must really evaluate their findings before jumping down on us. Because it’s bad when people get accused of being criminals when they really aren’t.
1) Squeaky Dolphin – A program created by British intelligence to monitor the likes of facebook statuses and youtube videos.
* How many other programs are out there
*we all know this happens but no one really every talks about it unless it’s a big topic spoken of at the time (i.e news stories and articles.)
2) “Already, the lived reality of big data is suffused with a kind of surveillant anxiety — the fear that all the data we are shedding every day is too revealing of our intimate selves but may also represent us.
*This is yet another well knows issue that we pass off or not even care about.
* This could be a key reason as to why really skeptical people tend to go as far as tapping their cameras up on every system such as computers.
*Everyone is a victim to this whether they like it or not or choose to accept it. this is such an issue that it’s unavoidable
3)Crawford’s mention of the fact that this system of collecting data on everything we do is sort of an “Open system” that everyone knows but doesn’t talk about just further proves my suspicion that no one really cares at this point possibly due to the point that this is unavoidable and discovering things such as squeaky dolphin in 2014 to us all still being tracks in many more similar ways just goes to show that there isn’t much we can do despite what we try.
( I tried doing in a simple point note format but that felt weird and didn’t seem like I was stating much so I just ended up doing it as I did in the third point.)
1. People live with surveillant anxiety, the fear that everything thing we do on the internet is being used for an unknown purpose. I thought that is was something that is very recent.
2. It’s not just us that are nervous, but the governments using the data as well. They don’t want anybody to find out what they are doing, but we already did.
3. Even if the government is using the data that they collect, they are not using it correctly as small but important details are always going undetected. Case in point, the Boston Marathon massacre.
Quote- “But what do you do when you realize that all data in not enough? From the Boston bombings to Malaysian Airlines flight 370, we know that black holes exist.”
Three important points that intrigued me in” The anxieties of big date ” by Kate Crawford’s are –
(A) Normcore, normal necessities and is usually related in fashion styles. I’ve implied normcore style in everyday use, a term that can be relatively easy to find a term to.
Finding freedom in nothing special in which can be related in everyday life such as your cellphone, emailing or constant texting.
(B) Its simply easy to overlook small minor details such as small data when the data tends to increase. I interpret data as detail, it’s much easier to paint the bigger picture when you gather all your small pieces. Also can relate it to writing an essay, one must plan and gather to get the story across.
(C) Many outcomes can be possible when theres so many data, possible correlations can cause anxieties. Not knowing where exactly these data leads to, leaves an overwhelm feeling.
A quote from the article that speaks volumes is “Change the instruments, and you will change the entire social theory that goes with them.”
Crawford’s article reveals a lot about how we are all under surveillance. She made it clear with when she states” The anxiety of those surveilled is deeply connected to the anxiety of the surveillers.” apparently nobody is left behind, everyone’s movements is being controlled. The technology made it much easier for those secret agencies. Another point is the fact that all these big industries are gathering people’s data in order to sell them in return.
3 Important points on “The Anxieties of Big Data.” are:
1. The Bigger the data gets, the more small things can be overlooked. The risk of being seduced by ghost patterns in data increases with the size of the data sets. Meanwhile, two brothers carry bomb-laden backpacks to a marathon finish line, and a Boeing 777 disappears.
2.But being able to “blend in” or “pass” is a very exclusive form of privilege. …. Cat Smith said ” The “look of nothing: is never going to be available to those who are marked as “other” because the world has ALREADY PLACED IDENTIFIABLE MARKERS ON US”
3. Virgina Eubanks’s has shown If you want to see the future of surveillance, look to the poor communities. Her work with low-income Americans on welfare benefits has shown the degree to which tracking for them has been normalized. from EBT cards recording every purchase to higher levels of neighborhood police scrutiny and camera surveilance.
Three important points from the article ” The Anxieties Of Big Data” by Kate Crawford I believe are government surveillance, having an enormous amount of data, the fear people have of being watch.
1. Government surveillance has grown with the increase of technology. The government is finding more ways to invade peoples personal privacy to see what activities they are doing on the daily government surveillance and the peoples privacy are alway going hand to hand when trying to keep the public safe.
2.The enormous amount of data the government is collecting can be overwhelming even when there can be more then enough proof or evidence of something suspicious going on I believe that the government tends to look at obvious general information instead of smaller information which could be more helpful in the long run in keeping there safe or just having a better understanding of whats going on.
3. Lastly the fear of being watch this can causes more of a fear towards the public of the people because nobody wants to feel like their being watch. That can cause a great deal of panic or a sense of feeling uncomfortable. But like I said before the people privacy and the government finding ways to watch people will always be a hot debate.
1. A british intelligence agency GCHQ’s called, “Squeeky Dolphin” is continuously, right at the moment monitoring Facebook and Youtube content being watched and liked.
2. A theory that Data is never enough and even if it becomes enough it is not that certain or exact.
3. People are having anxities of what is being watched and what not. Also, if so than what part of their life is being revealed and monitored.
A Quote that I would like to add follows:
“And while rhere is an enormous structural power asymmetry between the surveillers and surveilled, neither are those with the greatest power free from being haunted by a very particular kind of data anxiety: that no matter how much data they, it is always incomplete, and the sheer volume can overwhelm the critical signals in a fog of possible correlations.”
3 important points in Crawford’s article “The Anxieties of Big Data.” (1) Government agencies such as, Squeaky Dolphin is consistently, comfortable observing Facebook and YouTube content being watched and preferred. (2)Numerous results can be conceivable when there’s such a large number of information, conceivable connections can cause tensions. Not knowing where precisely these information prompts, leaves an overpower feeling. (3) Regardless of the possibility that the government is utilizing the information that they gather, they are not utilizing it correctly as little but rather essential points of interest are continually going undetected.
3 important points from the article “The Anxieties of Big Data” by Kate Crawford
“surveillant anxiety — the fear that all the
data we are shedding every day is too revealing of our intimate selves but may also misrepresent us” pg 1/9
“The bigger the
data gets, the more small things can be overlooked. The risk of being seduced by ghost patterns in data
increases with the size of the data sets.” pg 3/9
Squeaky Dolphin: “an expansionist program to bring big data together with the more
traditional approaches of the social and humanistic sciences: the worlds of small data” pg 1/9
“the ‘look of nothing’ is never going to be available to those who are
marked as ‘other’ because the world has already placed identifiable markers on us.” Cat Smith pg 6/9