Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Tag: Phase 2: Define (Page 3 of 3)

Urban Artifacts : Phase 4

Throughout this project I have learned that every single art and techniques of drawing are different from everyone else. The first day of this class I thought that we were just going to draw but that’s not all, It is also learn how to describe a design and learn how to communicate through out other people’s work . In this project I have learn that everything around you is full of ambiguous and stables shapes and also categorizing them as organic and geometric figures in every single art, learning to see the world differently.

The part that I most like about this project was seeing everyone’s  work and how they are very different from each other. Also, going through different phases it was really fun. Presenting our design and getting really good critics and advises from my classmates that makes my Obvious ( stable )Figure/Ground and Ambiguous Figure/Ground design look pretty awesome. I could have done better, presenting more my work by adding more descriptions and give feedback to other people’s art.

Phase 1: Discover

Phase 2: Define

Phase 3: Develop



Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

This project gave me a better comprehensive hands on experience on the Design Process. There is much more to designing than I perceived. You have to have an open mind to everything around you. There is obvious and ambiguous figure ground relationships all around you. Some figures geometric like a street sign in the sky, others organic as various shapes of gum on the ground.

In the beginning of this project I misunderstood how to find bring unity between my images. It took refining my thumbnails  with framing an cropping, to narrow my options down that still had no relation.  During the critique I received very positive feedback. The group made a good observation, that just adding more to my obvious figure/ground image, I could establish a better image for the  ambiguous figure/ground image. Which helped to bring the unity of now two organic shapes.

In the next project I will do my best not to think as literal. To open my eyes as an artist more because the answer to my problem was directly in my face. Thank you for all the critiques!




Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Ambiguous figure/ground thumbnail

Ambiguous figure/ground thumbnail

Ambiguous figure/ground Refine

Obvious figure/ground thumbnail

Obvious figure/ground thumbnail

Obvious figure/ground Refine

I spent 2 hours on this part of the project.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Thumbnail Obvious Figure/Ground relationship


Thumbnail Ambiguous Figure/Ground

Thumbnail Obvious & Ambiguous Figure/Ground

Obvious Figure/Ground Refined

Obvious Figure/Ground Refined

Ambiguous Figure/Ground Refined

Ambiguous Figure/Ground Refined


I worked on this part of the project for 2 hrs.

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