Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Tag: Mashup

Sound Visualization: Phase 4

When it came to animating my mashup I thought to myself how certain thing would move around the page and fade in and out. I decided to have my staccato patterns bounce around the page to represent that staccato feel and I decided to make my legato patterns slowly fade in and out to represent a more calmer feel. The two songs I chose were Shockandawe by Miguel (staccato) and Can’t Bring this Down by Bridget Mendler ft Pell (legato). In my animation I worked on trying to get the music to match up to what was happening on screen and I feel like it somewhat does.

Time spent on animation 3 hours.


https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/spevackcomd1100fa2017/2017/09/28/sound-visualization-phase-2/ ‎





Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

Sound Visualizaton: Phase 1

Sound Visualization: Phase 2

Sound Visualizations : Phase 3


This project involved many elements. There was sound, and how we imagined it with the help of lines, shapes, rhythm and repetition. The position and scaling and repetition  of each image helped with forming a balanced Mashup of Legato and Staccato figures. I learned Legato an Staccato are a form of sounds. Staccato being separated from each other and Legato a long steady consistent flow. I also used Photoshop, to animate my composition, to create movement to the different forms of sounds added in the animation.  With the next project, I’ll feel a lot more confident working with Photoshop.  I enjoyed watching my hand draw creation come to life on the screen.

Sound Visualizations : Phase 3



This part of the project was a bit of an adventure for me. After using the version at school and syncing it to a newer version at home my work became corrupted. I was unable to use the work I hard started in class and had to start all over from the beginning. It wasn’t as challenging as I assumed it would be. I learned new techniques on Photoshop, a software that seemed to intimidate me at the beginning. The animation to my composition brought my work to life. An created a visual story between all the elements formed within the Legato/Staccato mashup.  I used the pan motion and and rotated the elements that needed more attention due to its size or position. I also faded all the elements and used high and low opacity  not to lose some of the elements as they panned up, down or across.


7+ hours  I worked on this project

Sound Visualizations: Phase 3

The animation was honestly really tough because I really wanted to blend and mix properly so things sounded fluid, but in the end, I’m fine with how it turned out for my first piece of animation. From this project, I’ve learned to master timing and patience. The thing that really stuck to me was the fact that I worked on this for over 7 hours just trying to get all the work to play out smoothly. I only used the instrumental for this piece of Runaway by Kanye West, but I used two different versions of the song to mix together. (Also, I have no idea why that left corner of stars is darker than the rest of the drawing…)
