Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Category: COMD1100 Project #6 (Page 1 of 3)

Project 6 Phase 4: Color Harmony

Project 6 Phase 1: Color Harmony

Project 6 Phase 2: Color Harmony

Project 6 Phase 3: Color Harmony

This was my favorite project this semester. Not only was I able to use everything I had learned in the last couple of months in one big project, but I was also given the freedom to do an illustration of my own. The color proportion inventory is an amazing tool to creating and studying color palettes of images and stills and that is definitely something I plan to do more of in my spare time. I wish I had a little more time to do the illustration though because looking back on it I see somethings that I could  have changed or even a different image I could have presented that had a more accurate representation of certain proportions. All in all this was definitely the best project in my opinion. I’m very glad I made the decision of continuing into Phase 3.

Project 6 Phase 1: Color Harmony


The tint example was found on a rock salt in my house. The pinkish-orange color of the salt gets lighter in different parts and this is an example of tint which is when a color gets lighter with the addition of white.

The color progression example was found on a bottle. The light blue and the yellow-orange fade and blend into each other and this is an example of when two colors mix as they progress into one another.

The shade example was found on Vision’s sweater. The deep green color of the sweater gets darker in in the shadow and this is an example of shade which is when a color gets darker with the addition of black.

Time spent: about 1 hour

Project 6 Phase 3: Color Harmony

Fireflies by Garnet Garcia

I feel like the most difficult part of this part of the project was keeping the colors proportional to the original image. I had a very clear image of what I wanted to do and where the colors would go, but I found myself having to get creative with how much of each color I used, for example how much skin was showing. I also had to find a away to include the green/mint shades which I accomplished with the fire flies. This project was also special to me because it allowed me to use one of my original characters from my work and incorporate it into the illustration. All in all, it was awesome to see these colors work so harmoniously together in a completely different context.

Time spent: 4-5 hours

Project 6 Phase 2: Color Harmony

Color Proportion Inventory

How to Train Your Dragon is one of my favorite movies and this was one of the first the promotional stills when the movie came out in 2010. Despite the movie have breathtaking scenery and stills, I chose this image because it had a strong dominant color and a strong subdominant color and various accent colors that complimented the image very well. I started off with filtering the image to take out details and just leave me with color and it left me with this image:

From this I was able to focus on the colors and from there created a palette.

I chose to study out the tints and shades and proportion the circles according to how much of it there was on the image. I then took the colors and set them up in the bar format to create the final inventory.

Time spent: 1 hour 30 mins

Color Harmony: Phase 4

Overall with this project, I learned plenty of interesting things with Color Harmony from the use of shade progression to tint progression that we see in most things. Sadly, I didn’t have enough time to complete Phase 3, but I tried my best to complete Phase 1 and 2.

Here are the phases:

Phase 1

Phase 2

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