Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Author: Tracy Truong (Page 1 of 2)

Color Interaction Pairings Phase 3 Develop


The left side is what I made to describe my Partner for this Project Stan and on the right side is what Stan made to describe me. I choose red because from watching Stan and talking to him I think Stan is someone ambitions and has a strong will. for the middle we picked the color orange that describes the both of us as creative because we noticed that drawing is something we both like to do. For the picture I picked a cat to match Stan because he likes Cats while I prefer dogs. I drew my cat energetic and playful chasing or playing with its ball of yarn.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4 – Deliver.

Urban Artifacts


Sound Visualization


Value added Portraits


Value-Added Portraits Phase 4: Delivery

This project taught me that high key and low key predominately broad range and narrow range values create a sense of moods. The elements of different scaled squares of a portrait of myself made interesting collages. All collages ended up with a figure/ground relationship with dark hues in forming two different ranges. Painting for the first time was interesting but I couldn’t get the tone in color right.




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