Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Color Interaction Pairings: Phase 2

Shifting Value


Two Pairs of squares using chromatic grays  alter the way of seen the value of the small square surrounded by 2 colors in both frames,  shifting its value.

As you can the center square of the first two pairs appears darker on the left and lighter on the right.

Shifting Value (With Color)

The value is altered by desaturating the colors of a hue creating a muted color

alter the perceived value of the center square.




Shifting Hue, Not Value



In these two pairs the background hues will cause the center square to appear as if it’s a different hue by shifting the hue not the value.

As can see in the second pairs the left blue center square appears more brighter than the one in the right, its more like a muted colors.








Shifting Hue and Value

In these two pairs by shifting the Hue and value of the squares. The center square in the fist two pairs on the left appears less saturated  when surrounded by red-blue colors.




1 Comment

  1. Ebony Star

    Great description of your work!

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