Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Saturation Studies: Phase 3

My partner and I chose the LUSH piece along with a COOL color temperature. Purple was the first thing my partner said, and I couldn’t agree more. Then, we came up with sensory words to pair up; we thought of words that reminded us of cold temperatures or shades of periwinkle and violet. From the list of sensory words, we paired three band names—”silky glaciers” our favorite and “breezy mint” accompanied by “tangy waves” were the runners up. We decided upon a European location, and Germany was our choice because who WOULDN’T wanna go to the Mojo Club!

Project #4 only took about an hour and a half (I would love to do another)


  1. Ebony Star

    I really enjoyed you as my partner. We came up with some great ideas and your work looks great. I actually revised my leading bands name after seeing the way you presented yours. As partners, I felt we should have more similarities. So I went back and added variations to the name leading bands name. Instead of one color, I created multiples. Great idea, thanks again!

  2. Garnet Garcia

    I really like the colors that you used for the poster. It shows a very good understanding of both using colors to influence the mood/feel of an image as well as an understanding of color harmony. You used colored that were colorful but not too prismatic so everything works very well together. Great job !!

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