Runaway, by Kanye West, always chilled me out and kept me mellow. The vibes of the sounds made me visualize a dance, as it did in the music video. With each pattern, I created lines that emulated the sounds—short and abrupt, rippley, wavey, curvy, echoing, and buzzes. The consistancey in the singular bass is where I got the spiral from. The buzz patterns (lightening bolts) were my favorite sound because they were short and reverbed in my headphones. The pings of the piano sounds were visualized as stars, in my head. The wavy/squiggley line was the dancey pattern from the short movements of the sounds. After really listening—and having to visualize and draw—I started to understand the thought process of the music video and why the director made the choices he did in order to create the piece and why Kanye produced the sounds he made.
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