If you are suspected of plagiarism and/or cheating, you should expect the following process.
1. The instructor will bring the work in question to you to give you the opportunity to discuss both 1) the work you’ve submitted/completed and 2) the instructor’s rationale for why the work in question is being flagged as a potential example of plagiarism and/or cheating.
2. If, after the meeting, the instructor continues to believe the work in question is an example of plagiarism and/or cheating, the instructor will report the instance to the following:
a. the chair of the department
b. the New York City College of Technology Academic Integrity Committee
3. In addition to having the work reported, the instructor will assign you the grade of a ZERO on the assignment.
4. If you plagiarize or cheat, you will likely fail the entire course in question.
To review the definition of Cheating, click here
To review the definition of Plagiarism, click here
Statement on Academic Integrity